
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-habban

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add:--Gehæbbende cohercens, Wrt. Voc. ii. 21, 74. I. to have, possess (of relative position):--Gif hié (þíne menn) yfele sint, ðonne sint hié þé pleólicran gehæfd þonne genæfd, Bt. 14, 1; F. 42, 22. II. to retain, detain, keep (1) a person (a) in a place:--Hé hí hwylcehwugu dagas mid him gehæfde eos aliquot diebus secum retinuit, Bd. 5, 10; Sch. 601, 9. Hé þone ǽrendracan on ðám mynstre sume hwíle gehæfde (detinuit), Gr. D. 39, 25. Hé wæs gehæfd (-hæfed, ) retentus, Bd. 5, 10; Sch. 597, 14: 5, 19; Sch. 658, 18. Petrus wæs gehæfd on ðám cwearterne, Hml. Th. ii. 380, 31. (b) in a state or position:--Þám þe se æfterra deáð gegrípð and on écnesse gehæfð, Bt. 19; S. 47, 2. Sió ungelícnes hira geearnunga hié tiéhð sume behindan sume, and hira scylda hí ðǽr gehabbað, Past. 107, 20. (2) a thing. (a) material:--Ne mæg ðæt scip nó stille gestondan, búton hit ankor gehæbbe, Past. 445, 13. Wiþ ðon þe man ne mæge his mete gehabban, and hé spíwe, Lch. i. 76, 20: ii. 190, 8. (b) non-material:--Ðára synna gé gihabbað quorum peccata retinueritis, Jn. L. 20, 23. Ne mæg hé þá swétnesse þisse worulde nó gehabban, gif heó hine fleón onginþ, Bt. 11, 1; F. 32, 36. III. to restrain:--Hé hine gehæfde (restringeret) fram ǽghwylcum unnyttum worde, Gr. D. 11, 8. Ðæt gé eów gehæbben sume hwíle, Past. 99, 15. IV. to contain, have involved:--Gif ꝥ lange swá biþ, þonne gehæfþ hit on unéþelícne wæterbollan if that is so for long, then it has a dropsy hard to cure involved in it, Lch. ii. 204, 13. V. to have room or capacity for, to allow, suffer:--Þæt heora land ne wǽre tó þæs mycel, ꝥ hí mihton twá þeóde gehabban (on gehabban, v. l.) quia non ambos eos caperet insula, Bd. 1, 1; Sch. 11, 10. VI. to uphold, maintain, preserve:--Hé his ríce mid micelre uniéðnesse gehæfde, Ors. 6, 24; S. 276, 2. Ne ic máran getilige tó haldænne þonne ic . . . þá men on gehabban and gehealdan mage þe ic forðian sceal, Solil. H. 35, 18. Þyssera hyrda gemynd is gehæfd be-eástan Bethleem áne míle, Hml. Th. i. 42, 34. VII. to have, experience, be subject to:--On þám heofenlicum éðele nis nán niht gehæfd, Lch. iii. 240, 12. VIII. to hold, keep in some relation to oneself:--Búton se hláford hine wille on borh gehabban, Ll. Th. i. 228, 28. IX. to have in the mind, hold, entertain a feeling, &c.:--Fácn ne sceal mon on heortan gehabban dolum in corde non tenere, R. Ben. 17, 7. IX a. to exhibit (a feeling, &c.) in action:--Gif hié ðá hálwendan forhæfdnesse gehabban ne mægen if they cannot be continent, Past. 401, 32. X. to hold, consider as:--Hé for his lífes geearnunge wæs gehæfd (gehæfd and ongyten, v. l., habebatur) micelre hálinesse man, Gr. D. 26, 6. Þæs emnihtes dæg ys gehæfd, swá swá Béda tǽcð, þæs on ðám feórðan dæge, Lch. iii. 240, 5. Nis se Fæder gehæfd gemǽnelíce Fæder from ðám Suna and þám Hálgan Gáste, Hml. Th. i. 498, 29: 32. Gehæfd swilce hálig stów, ii. 506, 26. Gehæfde habebatur (celebris), An. Ox. 3606. Hé befrán ðone pápan hwæt hí wǽron gehæfde (what they were considered to be). Þá sǽde se biscop þæt hí sóðlíce wǽron hálige mæssepreóstas, Hml. Th. ii. 310, 12. XI. to hold, carry on, engage in:--Hí geðafedon þæt ðǽr cýping binnan gehæfd wæs, Hml. Th. i. 406, 6. XI a. to carry on an institution:--Basilius tó þǽre byrig férde on þǽra wæs gehæfd ꝥ foresǽde mynster, Hml. S. 3, 325. XII. to treat well or ill:--Hé fram him fremsumlíce wæs onfangen and micle tíd mid him well gehæfd (-hæfed, v. l.) wæs (habitus est), Bd. 4, 1; Sch. 340, 16. XII a. of the effect of natural causes, e. g. sickness:--Heó wiste ꝥ ꝥ folc swá yfle wæs gehæfd mid scearpum hungre for heora synnum, Hml. A. 110, 249. Ꝥ þú síðige tó mé and míne untrumnysse gehǽle, for ðan þe ic eom yfele gehæfd, Hml. S. 24, 98. XIII. intrans. To have at (wiþ), to attack:--Drihten hig gehyrde, þæt hig gehæfdon (-hæfton, Thw.) wið hine, þæt hig feóllon on þám gefeohte ætforan Israhéla bearnum Domini sententia fuerat, ut indurarentur corda eorum et pugnarent contra Israel et caderent, Jos. 11, 20. ge-habban

Mots connexes: l.
