
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-hiwian

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

-hywian, -heowian, -hiowian;

p. ode, ade, ede; pp. od, ad, ed. I. to form, fashion, make, transform, transfigure; formāre, plasmāre, fingĕre, fĭgūrāre, transfĭgūrāre :-- Ðú ðe gehiwast sárnesse on bebode qui fingis lăbōrem in præcepto, Ps. Lamb. 93, 20. Sió godcunde fóreteohhung eall þing gehiwaþ the divine predestination fashions everything, Bt. 39, 6; Fox 220, 17. Ðú gehiwadest me formasti me, Ps. Th. 138, 3. Handa me ðíne geworhton and gehiwedan mănus tuæ fēcērunt me et plasmāvērunt me, 118, 73. He wæs gehiwod befóran him transfĭgūrātus est ante eos, Mt. Bos. 17, 2. Seó heáfodstów gescrepelíce gehiwad ætýwde to ðam gemete hyre heáfdes lŏcus căpĭtis ad mensūram căpĭtis illīus aptissĭme fĭgūrātus appāruit, Bd. 4, 19; S. 590, 2. II. to seem, appear, pretend; sĭmŭlāre :-- Ðeáh ðe he hit swá gehiwige though he may so pretend, Homl. Th. i. 6, 18. Seó gehiwode anlícnys getiðode ðám toslitenum mannum hwílendlíc líf the apparent likeness imparted to the torn men transitory life, ii. 240, 17. Gehiwed dissimulatus, Hpt. Gl. 517. Ne lufa ðú ðínne broðor mid gehiwodre heortan do not love thy brother with a dissembling heart, Basil admn. 5; Norm. 46, 4. ge-hiwian