Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-hwider
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- ge-hwider
- Add: I. where there is motion, to every place, to all parts, in all directions. (I) used generally :-- Hē danon eóde gehwyder (-hwider, on gehwylce healfe, ) ymb þā stōwa, and þǣr godcunde lāre bodode inde ad praedicandam circumquaque exire consueverat, Bd. 3, 17 ; Sch. 267, 17. Sende man hȳ gehwider, Ll. Th. i. 278, 9. Hē fērde geond fela burga gehwider, Hml. S. 39, 102. Þǣre burge ceasterware þe ǣr gehwider tōdrifene wǣron cives urbis illius qui quolibet dispersi essent, Gr. D. 198, 15. (2) limited by an implied condition :-- Hē hæfde ǣnne lātteów þe hine lǣdde gehwider (wherever he went), Hml. S. 21, 203. Þā fērdon ætforan him gehwyder, 16, 148. II. where influence is exerted :-- Hī mid þȳ frymme þreátiad gehwider ymbsittenda ōþra beóda (cf. hī þreátiaþ eall moncynn, Bt. 37, l ; F. 186, 6), Met. 25, 13. III. of position, on all sides, in every direction :-- Seó bōc fram monigum oft gehwider ymb āwriten wæs a multis sunt circumquaque transcripta, Bd. 4, 18 ; Sch. 437, 16. ge-hwider