
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-hyrwan

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

p. de; pp. ed To make game of, despise, disparage, traduce, vex, oppress; cavillāri, contemnĕre, detrăhĕre :-- Elene ne wolde ðæs wilgifan word gehyrwan Elene would not despise the dear prince's word, Elen. Kmbl. 442; El. 221 : Exon. 39 b; Th. 131, 27; Gú. 462. He gehyrweþ fuloft hálge láre he very often traduces holy lore, 117 a; Th. 449, 12; Dóm. 70. Hý ðæs láreowes word ne gehyrwdon they despised not the teacher's words, 14 b; Th. 29, 8; Cri. 459. Beóþ ða gehyrwede they are despised, Ps. 52, 6; Ps. Grn. ii. 150, 6. Seó langung hine swíðe gehyrde and ðreáde that longing much oppressed and afflicted him, Blickl. Homl. 113, 14. Hí wurdon gehergode and gehyrde they were wasted and oppressed; Jud. 10, 8. [O. H. Ger. harwjan exasperare.] ge-hyrwan