
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-líca

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add: I. the like of another (gen. or possessive pronoun), one that has the same characteristics as another. (1) of persons:--Hwæt wǽron hí búton fearra gelícan, þá ðá hí heora fýnd mid horne líchamlícere mihte potedon?, Hml. Th. i. 522, 24. Sindon hiora gelícan forgitene, Met. 10, 59. Habban þíne ǽhta þíne gelícan, Hml. S. 2, 176. Tó Ðeódríce and tó Neróne and tó manegum hecra gelícum, Bt. 16, 1; F. 50, 1. (1 a) the like of a person, such a person as (depreciatory):--Hwylc eom ic, ꝥ ic ǽfre þus his gelícan (þyslicum men, ) þeówie quis sum ego, ut isti serviam?, Gr. D. 144, 10. (2) of things:--Níð . . . stala . . . gálscipe . . . and fela óþre þyssa gelícan (multae aliae harum similes), Ll. Th. ii. 174, 35. II. an equal, a peer. Cf. ge-líc; IV:--Hit is ungecyndelicu ofermódgung ðæt se monn wilnige ðæt hine his gelíca ondrǽde contra naturam est superbire ab aequali velle timeri, Past. 109, 12. Nis nán wífhádes mann hire gelíca, Hml. Th. ii. 10, 12. Nán mihtigra þé nis, ne nán þín gelíca, Bt. 33, 4; F. 128, 11, 19. Hé næfð nǽnne rícran, ne furþum nǽnne gelícan, 42; F. 258, 5. Þæt hié (the Romans) swá heáne hié geþóhten þæt hí (the Carthaginians) heora (the Romans) gelícan wurden, Ors. 4, 6; S. 178, 18. Ládige hé hine mid .xi. his gelícena, Ll. Th. i. 154, 8. Hé mǽðe cann on mannum, ge on his gelícum ge on lǽssum mannum, Wlfst. 58, 4. v. efen-, un-gelíca. ge-lica

Mots connexes: l.
