
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-lustfulling

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Substitute: ge-lustfullung, e; f. I. a taking pleasure, delight, v. ge-lustfullian; I :-- Nán gelustfullung flǽsces, nán lust yfel nulla delectatio carnis, nulla voluptas mala, Scint. 3, 9. On gewilnunge and ungelustfullunge (on gelustfullunge ?) unclǽnre in concupiscentia et in delectatione inmunda, Angl. xi. 116, 12. Ná mid ege helle, ac mid Cristes lufan and gelustfullunge mihta non timore gehennae, sed amore Christi et delectatione virtutum, R. Ben. I. 36, 17. On gewilnungum and gelustfullungum flǽsces delectationibus carnis, Scint. 2, 16. II. a giving pleasure, II, III :-- Gelustfullung mid sange delectatio carmine (but the Latin is: Deleclatum crimine, Aid. 78, 4), An. Ox. 5377- III. pleasantness, delight, pleasure :-- Hí ondrǽdað þolian [for] gelustfullunge middaneardes timent carere oblectamento mundi, Scint. 63, 4. Hé forhæfde hine sylfne fram gelustfullunge þysses lífes, Shrn. 12, 22. IV. pleasure as a personification :-- Seó gelustfullung (voluptas) gewundedum fótum þurh þá þornas fleáh, Prud. 53. V. that which produces pleasure, an object or source of delight, a delight :-- Mid gelustfullunga (or under III) oblectamento (theoricae vitae satiantur), An. Ox. 14, 34. Genihsumre wenne gelustfullunge opulenti luxus oblectamenta, II, 46. þurh gelustfullunga ídelra bigspella per oblectamenta inanium fabularum, Scint. 221, 16. Þú onféhst þára écra góda gelustfullunga, Hml. 30, 245. ge-lustfulling

Mots connexes: ge-lustfullian;
