Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-manigfealdian
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- ge-manigfealdian
- p. ode. Take here ge-meenigfealdian, -monigfealdian in Dict. , and add: I. trans. To multiply, (1) to make numerous :-- Þú gemanigfealdodest þíne mildheortnesse multiplicasti misericordias tuas, Ps. Th. 35, 7. Þú gemanigfealdodest þíne wundru multa fecisti tu mirabilia tua, 39, 5. Hý wǽran gemanigfealdode (multiplicati) ofer ǽk gerím, 6 : 14: 24, 17: 37, 19. Þá earfoðu mínre heortan synd tóbrǽd and gemanigfealdod tribulationes cordis mei dilatatae sunt, 24, 15. (2) to increase the quantity of, enlarge, (a) the object material :-- God ðú ðe cirica ðín níuo symle [ac]endnise ðú gimonigfaldað Deus, qui ecclesiam tuam novo semper foetu multiplicasti, Rtl. 30, 15. Hé his cyrican timbrede, and wundorlicum weorcum gebrǽdde and gemonigfealdode (ampliauit), Bd. 5, 20; Sch. 674, 10. (b) the object non-material :-- Gemycla nú and gemonigfealda þá hǽlo ðæs cynges magnificans salutare regis ipsius, Ps. Th. 17, 48. Heora unmiht and heora untrymð is gemanifealdod, 15, 3. Þeáh gemanigfealdod sý þæt wuldor his húses, 48, 16. Ðæt him scylen hiera wísdóm bión geiéced and gemanigfalðod (-faldod, Past. 381, 2. Ðætte wíére gemanigfalðod hreám, 427, 33. (3) to add :-- Hé tó geíhte þá teáras þám teárum, and gemænigfealdode þá sworetunga þám siccetungum, Hml, S. 23b, 201. (4) to reward :-- Ondetnisse Petres heofna mið cægum gemonigfalded wæs confessio Petri coelorum clavibus muneratur, Mt. p. 17, 17, II. intrans. To abound, become much :-- Mæhtig is God ǽlc gefe gimonigfaldiga gidóa potent est Deus omnem gratiam abundare facere, Rtl. 13, 14. [O. H. Ger. ge-managfaltón multiplicare, crebrescere.] See next word. ge-manigfealdian