
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-metfæst

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add: keeping due measure. (1) moderate in expendi-ure, not extravagant, frugal. Cf. ge-metgung; I a :-- Gemetfæst frugi, pareus uti, Wrt. Voc. ii. 151, 32. (2) not yielding to anger or impatience, meek, gentle :-- In geþylde mægene gemetfæst patientiae uirtute modestus, Bd. 4, 28 ; Sch. 525, 14. Hé wæs líðe and gemetfæst on his worde, and hé wæs geþyldig and eádmód erat colloquio blandus, temperantia modestus, Guth. Gr. in, 82. Hé wæs swiðe geþyldig and eáðmód and gemetfæst on eallum his lífe. Bl. H. 213, 8. (2 a) as an epithet of a quality :-- Embe his efencempan hé haefde micele lufe and gemetfæst geðyld and sóðe eédmódnysse. Hml. S. 31, 45. (3) not over-bearing, kind :-- Hé wæs árfæst and gemetfæst and mildheort on his dǽdum, Bl. H. 217, 8. Wer milde and gemetfæst, Gú. 1080. Hé hæfð sundorgecynd milde gemetfæst. Hé is monþwǽre, nele láðes wiht ǽngum geæfnan, Pa. 31. (4) sober, discreet, honest, orderly, v. ge-metfæstnys, (2), ge-metlǽcan :-- Ǽfestes lífes and gemetfæstes abbod religiosae ac modestae uitae abbas, Bd. 5, 12; Sch. 631, 23. Fela sceal tó holdan hámes geréfan and tó gemetfæstán manna hyrde, Angl. ix. 265, ll. Þám ungestæþþegan þú miht secgan ꝥ hé biþ unstillum fugelum gelícra ðonne gemetfestum monnum inconstans studia permutat ? nihil ab avibus differt, Bt. 37, 4; F. 192, 24. Se wísdóm gedéþ his lufiendas wíse and wære and gemetfæste, 27, 2; F. 98, l.

Mots connexes: un-gemetfæst. ge-metfæst,ge-met-fæst
