Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-mǽnelic
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- ge-mǽnelic
- Add: I. that belongs to or concerns all human bangs :-- On hálgum bócum is se gemǽnelica deáð slǽpe wiðmeten . . . ealle móton slápan on ðám gemǽnelicum deáðe, Hml. Th. ii. 566, 27-34. Se gemǽnelica deáð þæs mannes líchaman tó deáðe gebringð . . . Ne mæg nán man ætberstan þám gemǽnelican deáðe, ðe eallum mannum becymð, Hml. A. 54, 97-106. Gemǽnelicum gafele generali (mortis) debito, An. Ox. 1447. II. denoting co-operation, association :-- (Ge)mǽnlicere (ge)férrǽdene contuberniali sodalitate, An. Ox. 2353. Swá oft swá gé eów gemǽnelice gebeórscipas gegearwiað, Hml. A. 145, 43. III. belonging to a community, public, general :-- Þæt eal folc fæste tó gemǽnelicre dǽdbóte, Wlfst. 180, 23. Swá swá man gerǽde for gemænelicre neóde, Ll. Th. i. 324, l: 382, 2. IV. ordinary :-- Sume menn dyslíce fæstað ofer heora mihte on gemǽnelicum lenctene (in Lent, which being of ordinary occurrence, did not eall for excess in fasting ?) Hml. S. 13, 94. V. of persons, common, without special rank :-- Embe þyssera ancersetlena, and eác gemǽnelicra muneca drohtnunge, Hml. Th. i. 546, VI. not ceremonially clean :-- Gemǽnelicum (communibus) mið hondum, ꝥ is unðuegenum, Mk. L. 7, 2. (O.H.Ger. ge-meinlíh communis.) ge-mæne-lic,ge-mænelic