Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-mǽnsumian
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- ge-mǽnsumian
- Substitute: ge-mǽnsumian, -mǽnsuman; p. ode, ede. I. to make one's own common to others, to impart, communicate, (1) trans. :-- Seó þeód þone wísdóm Angelfolce cýðde and gemǽnsumode (-ede, ] gens illa scientiam populis Anglorum communicare curavit, Bd. 5, 22 ; Sch. 682, 13. Gé wilniað ús þá þing gemǽnsumian (-suman, v.l.) (communicare), I. 25 ; Sch. 55, 7. (l a) to administer the Eucharist :-- Húsel ꝥ genihtsumige tó gemǽnsumigenne eallum eucharistia quae sufficit ad communicandum cunctis, Angl. xiii. 415; 708. (2) intrans. :-- Neódum háligra gemǽnsumigende necessitatibus sanctorum communicantes, Scint. 147, 13. (2 a) of speech, to talk to :-- Ná gemǽnsuma þú menn ungelǽredum non communices homini indocto; jest not with a rude man (Ecclus. 8, 4), Scint. 97, 8. II. to join with others in taking, to partake, communicate (in an ecclesiastical sense), with gen. :-- Ic on þǽre cyrcan þæs Drihtlican líchaman and his blódes gemǽnsumode, Hml. S. 23 b, 627. Gemǽnsumeden heó þæs líchaman úres Drihtnes, 113. Gemǽnsumigende gerýnse[s] communicans sacramentum (Dominicum), An. Ox. 2140. III. to make a union between, unite, join, associate (trans.) :-- Ic mé gemǽnsumode þám líffæstan gerýnum úres Drihtnes, Hml. S. 23 b, 503. III a. of matrimonial union, to unite in marriage, to marry. Cf. ge-mǽnung :-- Ne hiá biðon gemǽnsumad, i. ne ceorl hæfis wífes gemána, ne wíf hæfis ceorles neque nubentur, Mk. L. R. 12, 25. IV. to have fellowship with, associate (intrans.), have to do with :-- Ic ne gemǽnsumige mid gecorenum heora non communicabo cum electis eorum, Ps. L. 140, 4. Sé þe gemǽnsumað mid ofermódigum qui communicauerit cum superbo, Scint. 83, 5. V. to defile :-- Þás yfelu gemǽnsumiað (communicant, i. contaminant) mann, Scint. 102, 17. [O.H.Ger. ge-meinsamón communicare, participare.] v. mǽnsumnian. ge-mæn-sumian,ge-mænsumian