
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-nip

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add: I. a cloud, an accumulation of vapour. (1) a cloud in the sky:--Wolcnu l genipu nubes, Ps. L. 17, 13. Winterbiter weder and wolcna genipu, Az. 105. (1 a) a storm-cloud:--Gyf strongra storm and genip swíþor þreáde si procella fortior aut nimbus perurgeret, Bd. 4, 3; Sch. 361, 3. Þá wæs swýðe mycel genip geworden in þám wolcnum, and unmǽte rénas ríndon collecto in nubibus aere immensa nimis pluvia erupit, Gr. D. 196, 1. (2) a cloud resting on the earth:--Þicce genip (nubes densissima) oferwréh þone munt, Ex. 19, 16. Mid þýstro genipum þæs muntes cnoll eal oferswógen wæs, Bl. H. 203, 8. Mid þeósterlicum genipum oferhongen, Hml. Th. i. 504, 30. II. darkness, obscurity. (1) of night; in pl. shades of night:--Þrang þýstre genip, þám þe hé sceóp nihte naman, Gen. 139. Dagas forð scridun, nihthelma genipu, Gú. 943. Þurh nihta genipu hí neósan cwóman, 321. Ne se móna næfð nánre mihte wiht ꝥ hé þǽre nihte genipu mæge fleógan pallida nocturnam nec praestat luna lucernam, Dóm. L. 110. Tír á byð on færelde ofer nihta genipu, Rún. 17. (1 a) of the darkness to which the sun seems to sink:--Færeð sunne in þæt wonne genip under waetra geþring, Sch. 79. (2) of a place without light:--In þissum neowlan genipe (Hell), Sat. 102. Fyrgenstreám under næssa genipu niðer gewíteð the stream plunges into dark depths, B. 1360. III. fig. darkness of trouble:--Gewítað ðá genipu úre dreórignysse, Hml. Th. i. 614, 29. IV. of dim sight:--Wið eágena þýstru and genipe, Lch. i. 366, 13. ge-nip