
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-openian

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add: A. trans. I. to open a door, gate, &c., so as to admit of passage:--Gatu heofonan hé geopnode (aperuit), Ps. L. 77, 23. Se preóst nolde undón þá duru mid cǽge, ac se bisceop hí geopenade mid his worde, Hml. S. 3, 485. Geopena ongeán mé lífes geat, Hml. Th. i. 76, 3. II. to open a box, &c., an enclosed space, render passage possible into an enclosed place:--Ic geopnige mínne múþ, Ps. L. 77, 2. Heofonan mid worde þú geopenast, Hy. S. 106, 3. Hí geopenodon heora hordfatu, Hml. Th. i. 78, 27. Geopenigende neorxnewange reserans paradysum, Hy. S. 83, 11. Sié þára manna gehwám geopenad engla ríce, El. 1231. Hé betýnde his eágan þe lǽs þá cwelleras gesáwon ꝥ his eágan geopenode wǽron, Bl. H. 231, 13. II a. figurative:--His heortan diégelnesse hit geopenað, and þæs óþres heortan belocene hit þurhfærþ, Bt. 13; F. 38, 26. Þám bið wíte geopenad he will go into torment, An. 891. III. to open, spread out:--Þú openast handa þíne, Ps. L. 144, 16. IV. and to be taken under A. VI)">or break into">to make an opening in, cut or break into:--Hé mid spere his sídan geopenode, Hml. Th. ii. 260, 11. Geopnadon patefacientes, Mk. L. 2, 4. V. to open a way, make clear a passage:--Hé him duru ontýneð, ingong geopenað, Gú. 966. Geopenige úre sárnys ús infær sóðre gecyrrednysse, Hml. Th. ii. 124, 6. Bið se torr þyrel, ingong geopenad, Jul. 403. VI. to uncover, disclose to view, shew. See B. I:--Þá geopenedan publicatam (protervorum insolentiam), Wrt. Voc. ii. 87, 74. VII. to lay bare to the mind, disclose, reveal, declare, male known. (1) the object a noun or pronoun:--Heó onwríhð hire ǽwelm, þonne heó geopenaþ hiore ðeáwas (cum mores profitetur), Bt. 20; F. 70, 25. Heó þá mód þé geopenaþ ðínra getreówra freónda amicorum tibi fidelium mentes detexit, F. 72, 13. Word geopenað ǽlces monnes geþanc and his þeáwas, ðeáh hí hwílum behelie, Proa plot) þé geopenode, Hml. A. 98, 221. Nys nán díhle þing þæt ne wurðe geopenod nihil est occultum quod non scietur, Mt. 10, 26. [Nán þing] oferwrigen ꝥ ne beó geopenad [nihil] opertum quod non reuelabitur, An. Ox. 61, 11. (2) the object a clause:--Hió him geopenaþ hú tiédre þǽs andweardan gesǽlþa sint, Bt. 20; F. 72, 3. Drihten sylf geopenað ús þæt þæt sǽd is Godes word . . . þone sǽdere hé belǽfde ús tó sécenne, Hml. Th. ii. 90, 6. Seó ætýwnes heofonlices wundres geopenade (-opnode, v. l.) hú árwyrþlíce hí wǽron tó onfónne miraculi caelestis ostensio, quam reuerenter eae suscipiendae essent, patefecit, Bd. 3, 11; Sch. 237, 4. VII a. to open one's heart, disclose one's thoughts, designs &c.:--Hé his geðanc geopenode, and ofer eall clypode, Hml. S. 23, 320. Þæt se man geþeó on þǽre fandunge, and his ingehýd beó geopenod, Scrd. 23, 2. VII b. to make known, declare, spread the knowledge of:--Gewurðe þín willa geopenod geond ealle world, Hy. 7, 36. VIII. to make clear, explain, expound:--God geopenude Abrahame hwæt hé mid þǽre sprǽce mǽnde, Gen. 18, 20. Ús biscopum gedafenað ꝥ wé þá godcundan láre . . . eów preóstum geopenan on Engliscum gereorde, for ðám þe gé ealle ne cunnon ꝥ Læden understandan, Ll. Th. ii. 364, 9. Wé willað nú mid scortre trahtnunge þás rǽdinge oferyrnan and geopenian, gif heó hwæt dígles on hyre hæbbende sý, Hml. Th. i. 388, 30: Angl. viii. 335, 35. Fela wé habbað gesett ymbe þissum þingum, and gyt ús gelnstfullað þás þing tó geopenianne, 312, 41. IX. to proclaim:--Sí þé wuldor and lof wíde geopenod geond ealle þeóda, Hy. 9, 1. B. intrans. I. to become disclosed, come into sight:--Ic þé, weroda waldend, . . . biddan wille, þæt mé þæt goldhord, gásta scippend, geopenie (or = þú geopenie? and to be taken under A. VI), þæt yldum wæs lange behýded, El. 792. II. to give explanations about a subject:--Ymbe þises bissextus gefyllednysse wé willað rúmlícor iungum cnihtum geopenian, Angl. viii. 306, 15. ge-openian,geopenian

Mots connexes: K. 58. Hé þá word geopenade þe englas ne dorston, Hml. S. 15, 165. Hé ꝥ (
