Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-rǽdan
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- ge-rǽdan
- p. de; pp. ed, -rǽdd, -rǽd. I. to arrange, dispose, direct, advise, determine, ordain, consult for, provide for; decernere, statuere, edicere, consulere, providere :-- Gerece and gerǽd ða rihtwísan diriges justum, Ps. Th. 7, 10: 24, 4. Gerǽdes dispensas, Rtl. 71, 11. Ðæne rǽd gerǽdde Síric arcebisceop that counsel advised archbishop Sigeric, Chr. 991; Th. 238, 28: 1052; Th. 320, 13, col. 1. Gyf ðú ðæt gerǽdest if thou decidest on that, Byrht. Th. 132, 54; By. 36: Exon. 92 a; Th. 344, 24; Gn. Ex. 178. Ðá witan gerǽddan the counsellors ordained, L. E. G. 4; Th. i. 168, 15. Heó hire feax gerǽdde crines composuit, Bd. 3, 9; S. 534, 13. [Cf. Icel. greiða hár to dress the hair.] Bíðon girǽded disponentur, Rtl. 86, 24. Ic ðone friþ gerǽdd hæbbe I have ordained the peace, L. Ath. ordained, § l0; Th. i. 240, 2: L. Eth. vi. 32; Th. i. 324, 1. [Goth. ga-raidjan to enjoin: Icel. greiða to arrange.] II. to read; legere :-- Sý gerǽd sit lectus, C. R. Ben. 22. Hit is gerǽd on gewyrdelícum racum it is read in historical narratives, Homl. Th. i. 58, 9. Ðonne gerǽde gé ðás word beforan him ðæt híg gehíron then read these words before them that they may hear, Deut. 31, 11. [Cf. ge-rádian.] ge-rædan