
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-rǽdan

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

to advise, ge-rǽdan to arrange. [These two verbs seem to have coalesced (and are taken together.] Add: I. to advise, suggest :-- Hé him tó gefeccean hét his witan, ILLEGIBLE hí him gerǽddon hwæt him be ðám sélost ðúhte, oððe tó dón[n]e wǽre. Lch. iii. 426, 12. God him (Decius) ðis geþanc on móde ásende . . . and Decius lét him tó rǽde ILLEGIBLE hé þá gerǽdde (what God Had suggested to him), Hml. S. 23, 320. II. to arrange, dispose :-- Þ á þe gerǽdaþ heora heortan fullfremedlice fram ǽlcum synlustum þæs líchaman qui perfecte cor ab omni delectations carnis excutiunt, Gr. D. 323, 4. Geraedit degesto (cf. degesta, i. disposita, 138, 34; digesta, i. ordinata, 140, 22), Wrt. Voc. ii. 106, 31. Gerǽded, 25, 38. Ger&e-long-hook;dde concin [n] atas (factiones), An. Ox. 4, 44. Þá gerǽddan adoptivas, 9, 17. II a. to dress, equip, harness, v. ge-rǽdod. III. to determine a condition, decide, settle a course of action :-- Ic fare swá hwider swá þú mé tó mundbyrdnesse gerédst, Hml. S. 23 b, 454. Mon gefæstnode þone frið . . . , swá swá Eádweard gerǽdde, Chr. 906; P. 94, 22. Man gerǽdde ILLEGIBLE man geald gafol Deniscan mannuin, 991 ; P. 127, 3. Man gerǽdde ILLEGIBLE man hine lǽdde nó Élígbyrig, 1036 ; P. 160, 5 : 161, 2. Ðáþá witan ILLEGIBLE man æfter þäm cyninge sende,1014 ; P. 145, i. Gerǽddon, Lch. iii. 426, 13. Gyf man þæt gerǽde,gold and glencga álecge man þá hwíle, Wlfst. 170, 7. Dó man út his eágan . . .oþþe hine hættian, swá hwilc þissa swá mon þonne gerǽde, Ll. Th. i. 394,15. On þám fyrste þe witan gerǽden, 176, 1. Gerǽd destinatum,Germ. 397, 429. Hi rǽddon swá ILLEGIBLE hí woldon þone cyng gesettan út of þámcynedóme, and hit wearð sona gecýdd þám cynge hú hit wæs gerǽd, Chr. 1075; P. 211, 2. Næs nán máre unrǽd geréd (-rǽd, v. l.) þonne së wæs,1016 ; P. 151, 4. Mid ús UNCERTAIN is gerǽd ILLEGIBLE hé sylle . v. sustras huniges tógafole, Ll. Th. i. 436, l. IIIa to decide a (doubtful) point, come to theconclusion that :-- Ðá gerǽddon witan ILLEGIBLE hit betere wǽre ILLEGIBLE mantýmde þǽr hit ǽrest befangen wǽre, Ll. Th. i. 290, 1. determine legal ordinances, official regulations, &c. , ordain;instituere :-- Ðis man gerǽdde ðá se micela here cóm tó lande, Wlfst.180, 18. Ðis is seó gerǽdnes þe Eádgár cyng mid his witena geþeahtegerǽdde, Ll. Th. i. 262, l : 358, 5. Seó gerǽdnes þe míne witangerǽdilon (cf. institue-runt, 336, 15), 272, 3 : 350, 6: 168, 15 : Angl.ix. 259, 6. Gerǽde man friðlice steóra folce tó þearfe, Ll. Th. i. 304,20 : 324, I : Wlfst. 170, 19. Witan habbað gerǽdd, ILLEGIBLE . . . , Ll. Th. i.224, 24. þá lagaþe Ǽðelréd cyng and his witan gerǽdd habbað, 292, 1. consult the good of, provide for :-- Gerǽddan consulebant (v. (?)succesurae posteritati consulebant, Aid. 36, 36), Wrt. Voc. ii. 23, 79. Hú icmihte þearflícast mé sylfum gerǽdan for Gode and for worolde, Ll. Lbmn.269, 17. V. to read :-- Ðá gerédes legentes, Mt. p. 13, 8. Bið geréded legitur.Lk. p. II, 16, 17. See next two words. ge-rǽde; es; n. Add: The wordseems used only in the pl. , ge-rǽdu(-a). An ornament, trapping. (1) fora person :-- Wé lǽrað ILLEGIBLE man geswíce higeleásra gewǽda anddislicra gerǽda, Ll. Th. ii. 248, 16. (2) for a horse :-- Ǽfteráppostela, gerǽdu falere, brídel frenum, Wrt. Voc. i. 84, 5-7.Gerǽda effipia, Hpt. 31, 7, 85 : effipiam, 6, 82. þæt hors mid ðámcynelicum gerǽdum þe him on stódon equum, ita ut erat stratus regaliter ,Bd. 3, 14 ; Sch. 257, 15 : By. 190. Módigne stédan mid gyldenum gerǽdumgefreatewodne, Hml. Th. i. 210, 15. Ridende on horsum mid gyldenumgerǽdum, Hml. S. 25, 491. Ic bicge hýda and fell, and gearkie hig, andwyrce of him . . . brídelþwancgas and gerǽda (frenos et phaleras), Coll.M. 27, 35. [Cf. Icel. reiði harness of a horse.] v. segl-gerǽde. ge-rædan

Mots connexes: rǽdan),
