
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-recednys

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

-recednes, -recenes, -nyss, e;

f. A narration, history, report, an interpretation, a direction, correction; narratio, relatio, historia, interpretatio, directio, correctio :-- Ðæt gódspell æfter Matheus gerecednysse the gospel according to the narration of Matthew, Mt, Bos. titl: Mk. Bos. titl: Greg. Dial. 2, 15: Th. Apol. 1, 1. To mǽgwlite andgytes and gástlícra gerecenessa ic to ætýcte ad formam sensus et interpretationis eorum superadjeci, Bd. 5, 23; S. 647, 35. Ðú gearwodest gerecednyssa, dóm and rihtwísnysse on Iacobe ðú dydest tu parasti directiones, judicium et justitiam in Iacob tu fecisti, Ps. Spl. 98, 4: 96, 2. ge-recednys