Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-réfa
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- ge-réfa
- Add: I. in Latin-English glossaries :-- Geroefa commenta-riensis. Wrt. Voc. ii. 104, 63. Geréfa, i. 18, 43 : 60, 31: curator, 57, 39 : prepositus, 72, 67 : preses, ii. 66, 51: coors (cf. coors þreat (a gloss iic Jn. 18, 12 cohors et tribunus; so that perhaps it is tribunus not coors to which gerefa belongs), 21, 28. Geroefan proceres, 118, 32: censores, 103, 57- Gerefan, 14, 17 : exactores, 32, 45: funeti, 39, 43. Geréfena comitum, 22, 2. II. rendering Latin titles of non-English officials. (decurio), Lk. 23, 50. Hé wæs ánes geréfan sunu cujusdam curialis (cf. curiales vel decuriales burhgeréfa, Wrt. Voc. i. 18, 42)/auu, Gr. D. 125, 8. Sæge Stephane þám geréfan die Stephana optioni (optio est qui militaris ducis vices agit, vel qui centurioni adjutor datur), Gr. D. 314, 5. Man ofslóh ðæs Cáseres geréfan; sé wæs Labienus geháten (cf. Labienus tribunus occisus est, Bd. i. 2), Chr. P. 5, 9. Geréfan presides (ad presides (tó démum, W. S. ) ducimini, Mt. ID, 18), Wrt. Voc. ii. 72, 46. Geréfan (publicani) and synfulle men geneálǽhton ðám Hǽlende, Hml. Th. i. 338, 9. Hé heóld in þisse ylcan byrig geréfena stówe and scíre in hoc urbe locum Praefectorum servans, Gr. 0. 340, 32. III. a bailiff, steward. (1) English :-- Be gesceád-wisan geréfan. Gescádwís geréfa sceal . . . (the duties of the reeve are then given], Angl. ix. 259, 3. ILLEGIBLE biicopes gerefa. Ll. Th. i. 342, 16: 262, 24. Gíf man biscopes esne tihte, cænne bine an geréfan hand; hine gerefa clensie, oþþe selle tó swuiganne, 42, 4. þone Franciscan ceorl þe seó hléfdige heafde hire gesett tó geréfan, Chr. 1003; P. 135, 6. Gif gestðcund man fare, þonne mót hé habban his geréfan mid him and his smið, Ll. Th. i. 144, 3 : 280, 14. Nys nánum mæssepreóste Slýfed, ne diácone, hi gerefan (praefecti) beón, ne wicneras (procuratores), ii. 198, 21. (2) not English :-- Damascus wæs Abrahames gerefan (procurat orn) sunu, Angl. vii. 44, 425. Hé (Abraham ) clipode him tó his yldestan gerefan (serunm seniorem domus suae) þe ealle his þing bewiste, Gen. 24, 2. pa sǽde se wíngeardes hláford hys geréfan (giroefæ, L. , geroefa, R. , procurator!). Mt. 20, 8: Wrt. Voc. ii. 73, 4. IV. a public or royal official. (1) English or general :-- lc, Abba, geroefa, C. D. i. 310, 3 : 311, 27. Cuómon . iii. scipu, and se geréfa þǽr tó rád, and hié wolde diífan tó þæs cyninges tune, Chr. 787; P. 54, 4. He ne róhte hú swíðe synlíce þá geréfan hit begeáton of earme mannon, ne hú manige unlaga hí dydon, 1086: P. 218, 17. Hí genáman þone arILLEGIBLE Ælfeáh and Ælfword þæs cynges geréfan, ion ; P. 141, 27. (l a) where the district in which the reeve's authority is exercised is given :-- Ǽthelnðth se geréfa to Eastorege (cf. ego Cuðredus rex Cantunariorum . . . dabo Aeðelnoðo prefecto meo fidelissimo in provinciae Cantiae, 233, 28), C. D. i. 234, 25. On þýs geáre gefór Ælfréd wæs æt Baðum geréfa. Chr. 906; P. 94, 21. (l b) where the function is given :-- On helle beóþ yfele geréfan þS þe nú on wóh démaþ . . . Be þsém démum Críst sylf wæs spre-cende . . . Se yfela déma onféhþ feó. Bl. H. 61, 25-31. (2) foreign :-- Se árleása geréfa (he is called se ealderman þára sácerda, 153, l), Bl. H. ILLEGIBLE (2 a) where the district is given :-- Tarquinius isete burge geréfa, Shrn. 120, 12. pare ceastre gerefa, 123, 24, v. æf-, burg-, feoh-, folc-, gafol-, heáh-, hired-, mót-, port-, tun-, trehing-, under-, wægn-, weard-, weorc-, wíc-geréfa. See Andrews's Old English Manor. s. v.geréf-ærn. Add: [See Aid. 62: Cujus pater (Urbanus) in palatio magistri militum officio fungens.] ge-refa