Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-riht
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- ge-riht
- Add: I. where direction is marked, a straight line. [The phrase on gerihte (geriht) occurs often in the charters which give the boundaries of land, and corresponds to various Latin phrases, e. g. per rectitudinem uiae, C. D. directe, iii. 374, 10, 13: in direc-tum, 376, 16: recto cursu, itinere, 381, 20, 30: recta semita, via, 32 : 386, 23: rectissima tramite, 388, 2J :-- Ymb fire landgemǽra fip on Temese . . . þonne on gerihte to Bedanforda, Ll. Th. i. 152, 10. On gerihte á be ðan heáfdan, C. D. iii. 394, 32. Of ðám beorge forð on geriht on ðæt sfc, 38, 32. Dol him ne ondráideð þá deáðsperu, swylteð hwæðre gif him Meotud on geryhtu lǽteð strséle fleógan, Ru. 4, 55. II. a rule, canon :-- Gerihte canone i. regula, An. Ox. 3984. II a. a direction, ordinance, precept :-- Swá miclan swá he (the provost) furður on weorðmynte forlǽten bið, swá miclan hé sceal geornlicor Godes gerihta healdan and regules beboda quanta prelatus est ceteris tanto turn oportet sollicitus observare precepta regule, R. Ben. 125, 21. III. to address words to a person">to bring to justice)">justice (in to bring to to address words to a person">to bring to justice)">justice) :-- Ǽlc sy on borge gebroht, and gehealde se borh hine and gelǽde to ǽlcon gerihte (rihte, v. l.), Ll. Th. i. 388, 1. IV. in pl. , rights of a person , service, payment, & c. that a person is entitled to, secular or ecclesiastical dues :-- Ǽhte swánc . . . gebyreð stifearh . . . and elles ðá gerihtu ije ðeówan men to gebyriað, Ll. Th. i. 436, 23. Hér-swutulað hwylce gerihta langon in to Tant Que . . . Ðæt is of ðani lande æt Nigon hidum . . . cirhsceattas, . . . heorðpenegas, . . . hámsðcn . . . Dunna . . . geaf to gerihton . v. circsceattas . . . and of cáforda ðá ilcan gerihtu . . . Ealdred . . . dyde ðe ilcan gerihta ðæ man dyde of Nigon hldon . . . of Lidigerde , i. circsceatt and eall ðe geilcan gerihta ðe man dyde of Baggabeorge . . . eall ðǽgeylcan gerihta ðe man déð of Cedenon, C. D. iv. 233, 3-34. ILLEGIBLE ge ne geearnian deáð . . . mid ǽnigum oftige Godes gerihta, ac ǽgðer ge earm ge eádig . . . gelǽste Gode his teódunga. Ll. Th. i. 270, 1. Nán mæssepreóst nánne mon . . . of ððre preóstscýre lǽre ILLEGIBLE mon . . . him heora teóðunge syllan and þá geryhtu þe hig þám óþrum syllan sceoldan, ii. 410, 33. Gelǽstan Gode þá gerihta þe him tó gebyrian, þæt is se teóða dǽl ealra þǽra ðinga þe hé us tó forlǽten hæfð, and úre frumgripan gangendes and weaxendes. Wlfst. 113, 3. Se scádwís geréfa sceal ǽgðer witan ge hláfordes landriht ge folces gerihtu, Angl. ix. 259, 5. V. service, payment, & c. due from a person, duties, obligations :-- Gebflres gerihte. Gebúrgerihta sýn mislice, gehwar hý sýn hefige, gehwár eác medeme. On sumen lande is i> he sceal wyrcan to wicweorce . . . forðige he ofer gear ealle gerihtu ðe him tó ge-byrgean, Ll. Th. i. 434, 3-26. Landlaga sýn mistlice swá ic ǽr sǽde; ne sette wé na ðás gerihtu ofer ealle ðeóda, 440, 20. VI. a rite, office of the church :-- Ne sylle him nán preóst hflsl, ne nán þǽra gerihta þe Crístenum men gebyreð (neque ullum eorum rituum qui Christianum hominem decent), Ll. Th. ii. 184, 23 : i. 406, 17. Heó gecóm tó ðǽra hálgena byrgenum and þǽr wunade oð þæt Sixtus . . . biscop gehádode ðe mihte behwyrfan ðá hálgan martiras mid gástlicum sangum and Godes gerihtum. Hml. Th. ii. 312, 31. Dó se sácerd him forgifennysse and his gerihto sacerdos ei remissionem det, et ritus ejus exsequatur, Ll. Th. ii. 172, 20. pá smyrenysse begytan and þá gerihto þe þǽr tó gebyrgeaá ǽlc þǽra manna þe ðás gerihto hæfð, his sáwl bið clǽne, 178, 32-34. Ǽlc sácerd sceal cunnan his gerihto (ojficia; cf. ðá láre þe tó his hálgan háde belimpð, 200, 10), 196, 6. Ic eóde tó Godes ðénunge, and þæt folc gebletsode, and him Godes gerihtu dyde, Hml. Th. ii. 32, 12. Ulf ILLEGIBLE ne cflðe dón his gerihta (-e, v. l.) swá wet swá hé sceolde nescivit ministerium suum, Chr. 1047; P. 171, 15. Ne nǽnne man man ne lǽte unbisceopod tó lange, þe lǽste him forðsíð getímige, and hé næbbe þá gerihtu þe him to gebyredon, Wlfst. 300, 28: Hml. Th. ii. 142, 9. Wurdon gelóme þá mǽdenu and se biscop on sundersprǽce gebysgode . . . and hæfdon heora gerihtu mid þám biscope, Hml. S. i. 3, 342. VII. right, lawful procedure :-- God hine tó rihtere bóte gecerre">Gif hwá búton gerihtum hit ábrecan wille God hine tó rihtere bóte gecerre, C. D. iii. 5, 19. v. burg-, folc-, gebúr-,ge-rihtan. . Add; I. to right, set in order, make clear :-- Gerihte elimavit (itinerarium Petri decem voluminibus digestum luce clarius elimavit, Aid. 27, 21. Cf. elimavit, interpretavit haec Gregorius per allegoriam luce clarius elimavit. Aid. 13, 31), 76, 82, Wrt. Voc. ii. 29, 26. Geriæahte (gerihte ?, gereahte ERROR cf. An. Ox. 2026 where the gloss is eli-mawit, manifestauit sé gerehte), 78, 64. Béda betwyx þám óðrum þingum þe hé beorhtlíce gedihte þás þing hé tó gerihte, and mid leódlicum metre be þám mónðum þus giddode, Angl. viii. 301, 34. II. to(l) to address words to a person :-- Done cwide Paulus geryhte tó biscepum, Past. 105, 8. (2) to keep in right order, regulate the actions of :-- Girihte (dirigere) and gihálga and gihalda heorta and Úcoma úsra, Rtl. 171, 3. Béda cwæð ILLEGIBLE lan. and October wǽron mid twám bendum gerihte, ILLEGIBLE ys ILLEGIBLE hig habbað twá rihtinga, Angl. viii. 301, 48. (3) to cause to move straight to a point (lit. or fig.) :-- Girihte mec in sáðfæstnisse dine, Rtl. 167, 23. (4) to regulate the course of, guide, instruct :-- Hié eówra sáwla má forhwerfdon þonne hié gerihton, Ll. Th. i. 56, 18. Geriht (dirige) míne weg (se weg ys mín weorc), Ps. Th. 5, 8. Ǽfter þám þe hé sylf geriht wearð, Lch. iii. 440, l. Ðas bée hé sceal néde habban, gif hé wyle þám folce æfter rihte wisigan, . . . and beó hé æt þám wær ILLEGIBLE hí beón wel gerihte, Ll. Th. ii. 350, 18. (5) to order to be given, assign :-- Wíse worldwitan Críste and cyninge gerihtan þá bóte, Ll. Th. i. 348, 15. III. to correct. (1) a person, (a) to reform, amend :-- Ðonne ic man geryhtan ne mæg and hine gelǽran quos corrigere nequeo, Past. 153, ii. Ða suelcan wé magon ealra betest geryhtan mid ðý ðæt wé hié forbúgen quos melius corrigimus, si declinamus, 293, 22. God hine tó rihtere bóte gecerre">Gif hé þurh tfá swingella ne bið geriht si nec correxit opera sua, R. Ben. 52 8. (2a) used intransitively for reflexive :-- God hine tó rihtere bóte gecerre">Gif hé þurh þreále nele gerihtan, R. Ben. 126, 5. (b) to rebuke :-- Mi ðý gerihte (-rihðe, L. ) cum corriperetur, Lk. R. 3, 19. (2) error, (a) a mistake, a scribal error :-- Ic bidde, gif hwá þás bóc áwrítan wyile, þæt hé hig gerihte wel be þsére bysne; . . . mycel yfel déð se unwrítere, gif he nele hys wóh gerihtan, Ælfc. T. Grn. 24, 30-34 : 21, 40 : Hml. Th. i. 8, II: Hml. S. p. 6, 75. Girihte emendare, Mt. p. 2, 12. Geboetat girihtad emendata, 15. Girihtæ emenda, I. (b) an erroneous practice :-- Besmeáge hé his heorde, for þon þiér synd sume wísan tó gerihtenne and tó gebétenne, Hml. S. 23 b, 634. [O. H. Ger. ge-rihten ordinare, dirigere, apponere, corrigere.] v.ǽcan. Add; pp. -laced. I. to make straight (lit. or fig. ) :-- Hé (John) Crístes wegas gerihtlǽhte mid wordum, Hml. S. 16, 96. Sceal gehwá gerihtlǽcan þæt þæt hé ǽr tó woge gebígde, Hml. Th. i. 8, 14. via iustorum recta facto, est, þæt is þǽra rihtwísra wæg is gerihtlǽced, Hml. S. 2, 61. II. to direct. (1) to cause to move in a certain direction (lit. or fig.), to an end or purpose :-- Is ððer wiðerwinna ðe ús wyle gerihtlǽcan fram úrum unðeáwum . . . Þát is Godes word þe ús gewissian sceal, Hml. A. 5, 125. Gyf wsǽron gerihtlǽhte (dirigantur) wegas míne tó gehealdenne rihtwísnessa, Ps. L. 118, 5. (2) to regulate the course of, guide, instruct a person, advise :-- Hí heora lífes ðeáwas æfter Godes bebodum gerihtlǽcað, Hml. Th. i. 536, 24. Weorc úra handa gerihtlǽc (dirige) ofer ús, Ps. L. 89, 17. Þæt wé úre ðeáwas be his bebodum gerihtlǽcon, Hml. Th. i. 578, 32. God hine tó rihtere bóte gecerre">Gif dú nelt gerihtlǽcan þone unrihtwísan wer and him sylfum secgan his unrihtwisnesse (si non annunciaveris impio, neque locutus fueris ut averlatur a via sua impia, Ezechiel 3, 18), Hml. A. 12, 300. Sé þe behýd scylda his ná byð gerihtlǽht, Scint. 37, 7. Hú hé his ágen líf gerihtǽcan mid rihtre ǽfestnesse, Lch. iii. 438, 30. III. to correct. (1) a person, to reform, amend :-- God gerihtlǽcð ðá synfullan and hylt ðá gódan, Hml. S. 21, 93. Lár bin gestyrde t gerihtlséhte (correxit) me, Ps. L. 17, 36. pi hwíle þe wé magon us gerihtlǽcan, Hml. A. 8, 194 : Hml. Th. ii. 572, Gyf he durh mynegunge nele beón gerihtlǽht ammonitus si non correxerit, R. Ben. ILLEGIBLE , 14. Se cyning wearð gerihtlǽht þurh þǽre cwéne geleáfan, Hml. A. 101, 323. Ðeáh ðe se stunta beó gemynegod, hé ne byð gerihtlǽht (non emendetur], Ælfc. Gr. Z. 264, 5. Ne bið se stunta mid wordum gerihtlǽced, Hml. Th. ii. 352, 15. Mid langsumum broce hé wearð gerihtlǽced, i. 536, 2. Wé ne synd þurh his swingla gerihtlǽhte, 580, 4. (2) error :-- Hé sylf gerihtlǽce his dǽda and þǽawas tó his Drihtnes willan, Hml. S. 21, 49. God hine tó rihtere bóte gecerre">Gif hwylc brððor . . . nelle his þeáwas gerihtlǽcan (non emendaverit), R. Ben. 52, 6. Hí noldon heora synna gerihtlǽcan. Hml. Th. ii. 352, 22. (3) used absolutely :-- God hine tó rihtere bóte gecerre">Gif hé þurh mynegunge gerihtlǽcan nelle, R. Ben. 113, Substitute: To shew rightly, demonstrate, v. reccan; III. 6 :-- Ic þé meg secgan þæt ic eom seó gesceádwísnes ðínes modes, þe ðé wið sprecð, and ic eom seó racu ðe mé onhagað ðé tó gerihtreccenne (the demonstration that it is in my power to give you), ðæt þú gesyhst myd ðínes módes eágan God swá sweotole swá þú nú gesyhst myd. ðæs lícuman æágan ðá sunnan promittit ratio quae eccum loquitur, ita se demonstraturam Deum tuae menti, ut oculis sol demonstratur, Solil. H. 26,ísian. Add :-- Gerihtwisiendre justficante, Wülck. Gl. 251, 35. I. to maintain the righteousness of a person :-- Gé eów sylfe beforan mannum gerihtwísiaþ, Lk. 16, 15. II. to exculpate, in theology to declare or make free from the penally of sin :-- Andetnys gerihtwísað, andetnys synne forgyfednysse sylð, Scint. 40, 13. Ðá ðe God gerihtwisode on ðyssere worulde, Hml. A. 45, 516. Mid ánre clypunge wearð þes synfulla gerihtwísod, Hml. Th. ii. 430, l. Sé þe behýt his leahtras, ne bið hé gerihtwísad, Angl. xii. 513, 16. III. to shew an action, statement, &c. to be right, defend as right :-- Swá hwæt swá ðcwist oþþe dést, ic hit gerihtwísige. Hml, Th. i. 380, 4. Eall ic gerihtwísige 1> þú cwist, Bl. H. 185,36. ge-rihtwísung, e; f. Justification :-- Gerehtwisunge mine justificationes meas, Ps. Srt. 88,ím. Add: I. number, measurement that determines how many :-- Of geríme geteald (beón) laterculo dinumerari, An. Ox. 3227. pá nig wǽron on gehrime scortum cum essene numero brevi, Ps. L. 104, 12. Heora tel oferstíhð sandceosles gerlm, Hml. Th. i. 536, 35. gerimes in number :-- Hé giémde hwæt hé hæfde monna gerímes, and ne nóm náne ware húlíce hié wǽron, Ors. 5, 4; S. 224, 21. Se tíma wæs standende twá þúsend wintra and twá hund and twá and feówertig geára gerímes, Angl. viii. 336, 2. la. in phrases denoting that objects cannot be counted :-- Hý wǽran gemanigfealdode ofer ǽle gerím (super numerum), Ps. Th. 39, 6. II. reckoning, computation of time. v. gerím-cræft :-- þá Egyptiscan ðeóda ongunnon heora geáres getel on hærfeste. Nú onginð úre gerím on ðysum dæge, Hml. Th. i. 98, 24. Gyf þú nelt hine tellan tó þám mónan . . . þonne áwǽgst þú þone eásterlican regol and ǽlces níwes mónan gerím, Lch. iii. 264, 17. II a. a calendar, numeral :-- Mæssepreóst sceal habban , . . sangbóc and handbóc, gerím (gerímbóc ? q. v. ) and pastoralem, Ll. Th. ii. 350, 14. III. a number, class of objects :-- Þá beóð onhǽttenra manna geríme cum gentilibus adnumerandi sunt. Ll. Th. ii. 154, 30. Seó forme ábécédé on þám geríme ys bútan pricon, Angl. viii. 322, 42. Forgif mé ILLEGIBLE ic mote on þám gerýme beón þe ðú þá fore gebǽdæ, Angl. xii. 508,10. IV. a period of a certain number of days (?) :-- We sceolan under þǽm feówerteóþan geríme (Lent) syllan þone teóþan dǽl úre worldspéda, Bl. H. 35,ge-rím; adj. v.íman. Add: -- Ealswá feala mǽrþa ic geríme (numerabo), An. Ox. 4762. Ic geríme hí dinumerabo eos, Ps. L. 138, 18. Hi gerímdon (dinumerauerunt) ealle bán míne, 21, 18. Wé sceolon geríman úre núsdǽda, Hml. Th. ii. 430, 7. Seó ungemetlice mengeo þæs folces wæs þá iéðre tó oferwinnanne þone heó ús sié nú tó gerímanne. Ors. 2, 5; S. 80, 12. Is gerímed supputatur. An. Ox. 3832. [O. H. Ger. ge-rímen numerare.]gerím-bóc a numeral, calendar, & c. v. ge-rím ; II, II a :-- Sume úre ðéningbéc onginnað on Adventum Domini; nis ðeáh þǽr for ðý ðtes geáres ord, lie eác on ðysum dæge nis mid nánum gesceáde, þeáh ðe úre gerímbéc on þissere stówe geedlǽcon, Hml. Th. i. 98,ímcræft. Substitute: gerím-cræft, es; m. The science of number, arithmetic :-- Gerímcræft arithmeticam. An. Ox. 7, 390. the word almost always occurs in reference to calculation connected with the calendar. Cf. ge-rim; II, II a :-- Her onginð gerímcræft æfter Leden-warum . . . and Engliscum þeódum, Angl. viii. 298, l. Béda cwæð on þǽre bóc þe hé gesette be gerímcræfte and hig du temporibus genemde, 308, 38. Þá Egiptiscan þe sélost cunnon on gerímcræfte tealdón seón lenctenlice emniht is on duodecima kl. April. , Lch. iii. 256, 7. Wise RÓmáne gesetton on gerímcraefte þæt nǽfre ǽr xi. kl. Aprelis Eástortid gewurðan sceal, 226, 8 : Hex. 8, 5. Swá swá láreówas secgað on gerýmcræfte, 12, 23. Wé cweðaþ on, gerímcræfte Cathedra Sancti Petri seofon nihton ǽr þám mónðe þe wé Martius hátað, Hml. S. 10, I. Wé gesetton on þissum enchiridion . . . manega þing ymbe gerímcræft, Angi. viii. 321,ímed. v. un-geríined: ge-rímedlic. v.ímian ILLEGIBLE ode To calculate, compute :-- Understand þú ILLEGIBLE ic wyí þé nu gerímige understand the computation that I am making with you, Angl. viii. 307,ímlic. v. un-gerimlic: ge-rínan to rain on. v. ge-rignan : ge-rinan to touch. The passage should be given under ge-brinan: ge-rinelic. v. ge-rynelic : nauum gerinen (1. germen, v. Corp. Gl. H. ), Txts. 35, Add: I. of persons, to came together, congregate. Cf. Goth. ga-rinnan convenire, congregare :-- Ealle weorðaþ Fæder ætsomne . . . and on heofonsetle heán gerinnað his sunu blíðe the Latin is">the Father honours all together . . . and in high heaven his sons assemble glad (the Latin is: Cunctos Deus honorat . . . collocat Altithrono laetosque in sede poloruiu, Dóm. L. 276. II. of material, to coagulate, condense (intrant. ), get mingled :-- Gerunnen concretum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 105, 15, 34: concreta, i. commixla, conjuncta, coadunala, 136, 24. Ge-runnenes refrigerati, Germ. 398, 143. II a. figurative :-- On ánum ǽge þæt hwíte ne bið gemenged tó ðám geolcan, and bið hwæðere án ǽg. Nis eác Crístes godcundnys gerunnen tó ðǽre menniscnysse, ac hé þurh-wunað þeáh on ánum háde untðtwǽmed. Hml. Th. i. 40,, e; f. Coagulation, thickening :-- Wið þá gerynnincge þæs wormses ym(b) ðá breóst . . . syle þicgean . . . ; þá breóst beóð áfeormude, Lch. i. 292,íp. Add: I. harvest, gathering of grain. Sic. :-- Fela landa wuniað gyt on hǽðenscipe and fires Hǽlendes gertp mænigfeald is on mancynne, Hml. S. 29, 128. Æfter heora geripe (printed gerepe, Lch. iii. 252, 23) gǽð seó eá upp, and oferflét eal þæt Egyptisce land, Scrd. 27, l. II. what is reaped, corn :-- Hé lǽdde hám tó his byrene ILEGIBLE ásnidene gertp (messem ) þe hé ǽr mid his handa geseów, Gr. D. 290, 20. Heora æceras ǽr wǽron áþroxene ǽr ǽnig ryftere ILLEGIBLE geríp ( the MShas the accent) gaderode, Hml. S. 31, 1218. Ic sende iów girip (giripa? the Latin is metere) j> te ge ne wunnun, Jn. R. 4, 38. -?ee next word, ge-riht