Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-risenlic
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- ge-risenlic
- Add: I. meet, Jilting, proper as a matter of duty :-- p þes móte beón eall swá rihta wyrde, ILLEGIBLE byð bám þearflic for Gode and eác gerysenlic for worolde, Cht. E. 232, 23. f ego lǽreð blíðe were gerisnelic oculum docet simplicem esse debere, Lk. p. ILLEGIBLE -7- Ne were gerisnelic t reht tó unbindanne non oportuit solui, Lk. L. 13, 16. Gehrisnelic woeregefeáge oportebat gaudere, 15, 32. II. suitable, suited to one's needs :-- Gif þeós níwe lár ówiht cúðlicre and gerisenlicre brenge sihaec noua doctrina certius aliquid altulit, Bd. 2, 13; Sch. 166, 8. III. deserving honour, honest, creditable :-- Donne mon hwæt ryhtlices and gerisenlices geðencð quando quajusta, qua honesta cogitan-tur, Past. 155, 24. Ðeáh ðe ful monige mid gerisenlicum weorcum (honesta actione) arisen from eorðan, 157, 8.íce. Add. - I. suitably, appropriately :-- Hwá mseg þá nú, þe ic beeóde, gerisenlícor tóweorpan bonne ic sylfa yuis ea, quae colui, aptiusquam ipse destruámf, Bd. 2, 13 ; Sch. 168. 3. Hwilc biscop . , . gehálgad wǽre, 1> we on ðysse æfterfylgendan béc gerisenlícur (-rysen-, and gelimplicur secgad quis . . . dedicatus sit antistes libra sequente oportunius dicetur, 3, 29; Sch. 330, 4. tó swylcre tide swylce heom eallum þince ðæt hi best and gerisenlicost hi forðbringa. i magon, C. D. iii. 295, 10. II. honourably, (1) in a way that deserves honour, creditably :-- p ic unfracodl. ce and gerisenlice mihte steóran þone anweald þe mé befæst wæs, Bt. 17; F. 58, 27. (2) in a way that shews honour or respect :-- pxs bisceopes ban . . . , swá swá hit wel swá árwyrðum bisceope gerás, gerisenlice gehealdene wǽron ossn eius . iuxta uenerationem tanto pontifice dignam condita sunt, Bd. 3, 17 ; Sch. 268, 24. v. un-gerisenlice. ge-risenlic