
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-rówan

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

I. to row, sail :-- Hrówundum t mið ðý gehrówun nauigantibus, Lk. L. 8, 23. II. to reach by rowing (sailing, & c. ), sail to a place :-- Dona gehréwun enauigauerunt, Lk. L. 8, 26. III. to traverse in a vessel, row along a boundary :-- Ða ic sylf stundum gerád, stundum gereów, C. D. gerst.úm; adjÁ Ample, far-reaching, unrestricted, v. rum ; VI :-- Syndon þíne willan rihte and geríme, Dan. 291. [G er. ge-raum.] ge-rowan

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