
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-séman

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Substitute: I. the object a person. (l) to reconcile adversaries :-- Lǽt inc geséman ǽr ðú ðín lác bringe vade prius reconciliari fratri tuo, Past. 349, 12. Hié bǽdan Philippus þæt hé heora ládteów wǽre wið Focenses, and . . . þæt hé . . . oþþe hié gesémde, oþþe him gefultumade ꝥ hí hié oferwinnan mehten (vel differri bellum, vel auferri) . . . Hé him gehét ꝥ hé hié geséman wolde [pacem promisit), Ors. 3, 7; S. 114, 21-28. Wearð ꝥ mǽste gewinn . . . hié mid nánum þinge ne mehton gesémede weorþan, 2, 2 ; S. 64, 34. Hí gesémede beón ne mihtan . . . Hí mid mycelon unsehte tócyrdon, Chr. 1094; P. 2 29, 7-12- (2) to end dispute between persons by giving judgement upon heir claims, to arbitrate between :-- Wǽron twégen cyningas ymb ꝥ ríce winnende. . . þá sendan hié tó Philippuse and bǽdon þæt hé hié ymb þæt ríce gesémde cum Philippum duo reges de regni terminis ambigentes judicem praeoptavissent, Ors. 3, 7; S. 114, 18. lc inc geséman ne mæg I cannot judge between you, Bl. H. 181, 8. Ús sceal ord and ecg geséman. By. 60. Wé beóð ætforan Gode gesémde before God shall the case between us be decided, Hml. Th. ii. 338, I : Bl. H. 183, 13. (2 a) of legal decision :-- Se cyning bæd and hét ꝥ hí scioldon Wynflǽde and Leófwine swá rihtlíce geséman swá him ǽfre rihtlícost þúhte (the case between Wynflæd and Leofwine was to be settled with absolute justice), Cht. Th. 288, 30. (3) to settle the doubts of :-- Mé fyrwet bræc . . . ǽr þon mé geunne éce dryhten þæt mé geséme snoterra mon. Sal. 251. II. the object a thing, to settle a dispute, make up a quarrel :-- Þéh heora gewinn þá gesémed wǽre, Ors. l, 12 ; S. 52, 25. II a. of a legal settlement, to give judgement in a suit, make award in as arbitrator :-- Gif man óðerne tihte . . . gesécæn hiom sǽmend . . . siþþan sió sace gesémed sió an seofan nihtum se man þám óðrum riht gedó . . . gif hé þonne ꝥ nylle gelde þonne .c. búton áðe siþþan áne neaht ofer ꝥ gesém hié if a man bring a charge against another . . . let them get them an arbitrator . . . within seven days of the award being made it must be carried out. If the party concerned refuse to do this he must pay a hundred as fine, without the option of an oath; then one day after this payment the case may be settled, Ll. Th. i. 30, 17-32, 3. [The passage is somewhat obscure. Hié might be acc. f. sing, or pl.; in the translation just attempted it has been taken as the former, and as referring to sacu; so that the meaning of the latter part of the regulation is taken to be that a party to a suit, who failed to carry out the arbitrator's award, would be liable to a payment of a hundred, and only when this payment had been made would be able to get a legal settlement of the case.] ge-seman