Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-sibbian
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- ge-sibbian
- Add: I. to reconcile those who are at variance :-- Sibba þá cídenda[n] men and þú hié gesibbast try to reconcile disputants and you will reconcile them, Lch. iii. 176, 26. On ðisum wræcfullum lífe wé sceolon ðá ungeðwǽran gesibbian, Hml. Th. ii. 442, 15. II. to ally, confederate those who are not acting together :-- Críst for ðí ástáh of heofenum tó ðisum middanearde þæt hé wolde mancynn gesibbian and geðwǽrlǽcan tó þám heofenlicum werode, swá swá Paulus cwæð: 'Sé is úre sib, sé ðe dyde ǽgðer tó ánum' (confederantur, Germ. 397, 437. Tóscereð gesibbade separat federates, Kent. Gl. 604. ge-sibbian