Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-singan
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- ge-singan
- Add: I. to make a sound. (l) of persons, to play an instrument :-- Wé gesungun iúh mið hwistlum cantauimus nobis tibiis, Lk. L. 7, 32. (2) of a bird (cock), to crow :-- Gisingeð ðe hona cantabit gallus, Jn. R. L. 13, 38. Ðe hona gisang, 18, 27 : Mk. R. L. 14, 68 : Lk. R. L. 22, 60. Hona gesang l gecráwæ (creów, R. ), Mt. L. 26, 74. Aer ðon se hona gesinga (gisunge, R.), Mk. L. 14, 72. II. (l) to sing praise, glory, &c. to a person, repeat words which express :-- Ðǽm wé gesinga wuldur ipsi cantantes gloriam, Rtl. 163, 15. (a) to recite, repeat forms used in religious services (prayer, psalm, mass) :-- Sé þe Pater noster inweardlíce gesingð, Ll. Th. i. 372, 29. Án mæssepreóst him mæssan gesang, Hml. S. 4, 230. Gá eft tó ciricean, gesing .xii. mæssan ofer þám wyrtum, Lch. ii. 356, 9. Ðás fíf salmas gesing (decanta), Rtl. 183, 29. Gesinge (cantet) hé fíftig sealma on cyricean oððe on óþre dígolre stówe, Ll. Th. ii. 134, Ii. Þ UNCERTAIN ǽlc gegilda gesinge án fíftig oþþe begite gesungen, i. 236, 37. Mið ðý warð gebed gesungen facta oratione, Jn. p. 2, 2. Þá seó cyrice gehálgad wæs and se bisceop mæssan gesungene hæfde, Bd. 5, 4; Sch. 567, 21. III. to celebrate in words :-- Sculan wé martira gemynd . . . wrecan wordum forð, wisse gesingan, Men, 70. (O.H.Ger. ge-singan canere, psallere.) ge-singan