Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-sleán
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- ge-sleán
- Add: I. to strike with a material object :-- 'Gif woe geslás l huoeðer móto wé geslaa in suorde (gislá mid sworde, R.).' And geslóg án of ðǽm esne aldormonnes 'si percutimus in gladio.' Et percussit unus ex illis seruum principis, Lk. L. 22, 49, 50. Hé geslóg breóst his, 18, 13. Mið ðý gislóg síde Petres, Rtl. 58, 7. Mið fýstum hine geslaa l geðearsca colaphis eum caedere. Mk. L. 14, 65. I a. figuratively :-- Hé hine mid his worde geslóg (perculit). Past. 115, 15. Ðæt hí beóð mid strengran cwide ðæs dómes geslægene ut eos durior sententia feriat, 433, 35. II. to strike with a stamp, hammer, &c., to coin money, forge implements :-- Feoh þe wæs geslagen on Decius cáseres tíman, Hml. S. 23, 659. Penegas on gefyrndagum geslægene, 588: Gen. 583 (in Dict.). III. to strike (and break) an object against something :-- Fela henne ǽgru gesleá on án fæt break many hen's eggs into a vessel, Lch. ii. 264, 24. Þicge hé geseáw broþu . . . and geslegen ǽgru and breád gebrocen on hát wæter, 5. IV. to strike and kill, slay :-- Tó acuoellanne l gesleá ǽnig interficere quemquam, Jn. L. 18, 31. Þ UNCERTAINte wére geslægen occidi, Lk. L. R. 22, 7. Geslaegen, Mt. p. 17, 8. V. to gain by striking (fighting) :-- Hí týr geslógon æt sæcce, Æðelst. 4. V a. to bring about by fighting, make slaughter :-- Geslóh þín fæder fǽhðe mǽste, wearþ ng Heaþoláfe tó handbonan mid Wilfingum . . . Siþþan þá fǽhðe feó þingode, sende ic Wylfingum ealde mádmas, 8. 459-472. Þára folca ǽgðer on ððerum micel wæl geslógan, Ors. 3, I; S. 98, 6. VI. of an adder, to sting :-- Fram nǽdran geslegene a serpente percussi, Bd. I. l; Sch. 13, 7. VII. to drive, fix a peg, stake, &c., pitch a tent :-- Gif hé hæbbe geteld geslagen. Ll. Th. i. 286, 9. VIII. where an impression is produced on the mind, or a condition of mind or body is brought about :-- Ðá geslóh hine sóna se snáwhwíta hreófla, Hml. A. 58, 186. Heó wearð mid hreóflan (-um, geslagen, 177. Oft weorðað men áfǽrde . . . ðonne ðæt geslægene mód (perculsa mens) gesihð . . . , Past. 441, 25. Hí swýðe mid þǽre fyrhte wǽron geslegene, Guth. 92, l. (O.H.Ger. ge-slahan percutere, caedere, figere.) ge-slean