Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-stælan
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- ge-stælan
- p. de; pp. ed To set up, put upon, impute, accuse; statuere, imponere in, imputare, arguere, accusare :-- Ge feor hafaþ fǽhþe gestæled and moreover [she] hath a deadly feud set up, Beo. Th. 2685; B. 1340. Ne mæg on me fácnes frum-bearn fyrene gestælan may not deceit's firstborn [the devil] impute crime to me, Exon. 48 a; Th. 166, 18; Gú. 1044. He us ne mæg ǽnige synne gestælan he cannot accuse us of any sin, Cd. 21; Th. 25, 10; Gen. 391. Ðý læs on me mǽge ídel spellung oððe scondlíc leágung beón gestæled ne aut fabulæ aut turpi mendacio dignus efficiar, Nar. 2, 21.