Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-þeón
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- ge-þeón
- Take here the passages given under ge-þíhan and ge-þingan (and add: hé -þíhþ; p. -þáh, -þong (Gr. D. 225, 21); pp. -þigen, -þungen :-- Geþíhþ, oferstíhþ excedit, superat, Wrt. Voc. ii. 145, 71. I. of persons in respect to physical or moral growth, to material or spiritual progress. (1) absolute, to profit, be successful :-- Ꝥ sé geðeó, sé ðe hit gehýre, Bd. pref., Sch. 2, 4. Nóht gewæxe l geðii se fiónd in ðǽm nihil proficiet inimicus in eis, Rtl. 179, 5. Suelce wé máran ðearfe hæbben ðæt hié geðeón ðonne hié selfe si profectum eorum nobis potius quam illis profuturum dicamus, Past. 304, 3. Ꝥæt se eorðlica man sceolde geþeón and geearnian mid eádmódnysse þá wununga on heofena ríce, Hml. Th. i. 12, 26. Sel ús hiora bissene giðiá da nobis eorum imitatione proficere, Rtl. 62, 16. Ðeáh hí on ðǽre winstran handa bión geðigene, hí beóð mid ðǽre swíðran tóbrocene etsi in sinistraejus proficiunt, dextera franguntur, Past. 389, 25. ¶ ge-þigen, -þogen; pp. (a) of physical growth, grown up, adult: -- Geþo[gen] adultus, An. Ox. 18 b, 5. Geþogenne adultum, 3607. (b) successful, prosperous :-- Befæste hé his sunu tó láre ... for ðám þe on ðám dagum ne mihte nán man beón geþogen (a man could not get on), búton hé hǽþene béc hæfde geleornod and þá cræftas cúþe þe káseras þá lufodon, Hml. S. 35, 10. (c) of highly developed powers :-- Ðá ðe ðonne giét tó ðǽm gewintrede ne beóð ne geðiegene (-þigene, v. l.) (cf. ðá ðe unmedome bióð tó ðǽre láre oððe for gioguðe oððe for unwísdóme quos a praedicatione imperfectio vel aetas prohibet, 19), Past. 375, 15. Hálige menn ... wundorlíce geþogene ... wé ... ne magon ðá þing gefyllan þe hí gefremodon, Hml. S. 12, 280. (2) where that in which growth takes place is stated :-- Heó on þá kynewísan geþéh, eall swá hire gecynde wæs, Chr. 1067; P. 202, 18. On Godes láre geþogen, Ælfc. T. Grn. 12, 34. On ðeáwum geþogen tó Godes þénungum by moral excellence fit for God's services, Ll. Th. ii. 380, 27. (3) where that in relation to which growth takes place is stated :-- Is se man betera, gif hé Gode geðíhð (if he advances spiritually so as to gain the favour of God), þonne ealle ðá nýtenu sindon, Hml. Th. i. 16, 14. Se mǽsta ðǽl þǽra manna þe Gode geðeóð, þurh clǽnnysse hí geðeóð, ii. 22, 15. Micel menigu geðeáh Gode of Iudéiscre ðeóde, 376, 9. Þá gecorenan ðe Gode geþugon ðurh martyrdóm, i. 444, 16. Se bid gesǽlig ... þe mæg ... his þeódne geþeón, and þonne mót habban heofonríce felix ... qui ... conjunctus Christo coelestia regna tenebit, Dóm. L. 251. (4) where the extent to which growth takes place is stated, (a) with prep. :-- Geðícð se æðeling tó heálicum cynesetle the prince is promoted to a lofty throne, Hml. Th. i. 110, 27. Oþ ꝥ hé geþeáh (geþong, v. l.) tó árwyrþum þeáwum usque ad reverendos provexit mores, Gr. D. 225, 21. Hé þǽr geþéh tó gódon men he there developed into a good man, Chr. 1057; P. 188, 11. Gif hé beó tó þám gewelegod ꝥ hé hýred áge ... Gif hé ne geþeó búton tó healfre híde (if his property does not exceed half a hide), Ll. Th. i. 188, 1. Sé ðe eornost næfð, earfoðlíce hé sceal ǽfre geðeón tó ǽnigre geðingðe hardly shall he ever be advanced to any dignity, Hml. A. 48, 584. (b) with clause :-- Hé æfter fæce geðeáh (-þáh, v. l.) þæt hine man tó mæssepreóste hálgode postmodum ad ordinem presbyterii promotus est, Bd. 3, 23; Sch. 305, 13: Ll. Th. i. 182, 16. Gif leornere wǽre ꝥ þurh láre geþuge ꝥ hé hád hæfde, 192, 12. Geþeón þæt hé wese þrísthycgende to succeed in being daring, Gn. Ex. 50: Gn. C. 44. II. of things. (1) to flourish, (a) of plants :-- His wæstmas genihtsumlíce geþugon (uberes fructus ager attulit, Lk. 12, 16), Wlfst. 286, 16. (b) fig. :-- Sé þe his þeódenstól geþeón wile, Víd. 13. (2) to be profitable to :-- Him seó dǽd ne geþeáh the deed did not profit him, Sat. 576. Ꝥte ús fæsten giðii (proficiat), Rtl. 14, 26. Giðii (prosit) ús gibed, 70, 7. II a. of persons, to be produced in abundance. Cf. II. 1 a :-- Of ðám mynstre geðugon æðele biscopas þurh Martines láre gehwilcum leódum there was an ample crop of noble bishops from the monastery through Martin's teaching for every people, Hml. Th. ii. 506, 24. [Goth. ga-þeihan: O. Sax. gi-þíhan: O. H. Ger. ge-díhan augeri, proficere, procedere, excrescere.] ge-þeon