Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-þrowian
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- ge-þrowian
- Add: I. absolute, to suffer; in a special sense, to suffer martyrdom, die :-- Ðonne forwyrð ðín bróður, for ðone Críst geðrowade (propter quem Christus mortuus est), Past. 451, 34; Jul. 448. Geðrouende hine foresǽgde passurum se praenuntians, Mt. p. 17, 17. Geðrowod under ðám Pontiscan Pilate, on róde áhangen, Hml. Th. ii. 596, 15. ¶ geþrowod crucified :-- Ðone geðrowodan Críst, Hml. Th. ii. 292, 13. II. with acc. (1) to suffer what is painful :-- Hé geðrowade martyrdóm, Shrn. 71, 31. Geþrowade lífes látteów láðlic wíte, El. 519. Feolo geðrouia (giðrowiga, R.) multa pati, Lk. L. 17, 25. Geðroued in líchoma alle passus in carne omnia, Mt. p. 13, 2. (2) to suffer for, atone for, expiate :-- Gif wé ðás gyltas sylfwilles on andwerdam lífe ne gebétað, wé sceolon neádunge on þám wítniendlicum fýre hí geðrowian, Hml. Th. ii. 590, 31. III. to sympathize; conpati :-- Sé ðe ne mægi giðrouia untrymnissum úsum qui non possit conpati infirmitatibus nostris, Rtl. 91, 5. III a. to sympathize with, be patient or in harmony with (?) :-- Ǽlc gesceaft is sibsumlíce gebunden mid þínum bebode, swá ꝥ heora nán óþres mearce ne ofereóde, and se cyle geþrowode wiþ ðá hǽto and ꝥ wǽt wiþ ðám drýgum tu numeris elementa ligas, ut frigora flammis, arida conveniant liquidis, Bt. 33, 4; F. 128, 33. (