
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-trahtnian

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Take here the first two passages under ge-trahtian in Dict., and add :-- Manega men wénað ꝥ þes middaneard scule standan on six þúsend wintrum, for ðan þe God gescóp ealle þing binnan six dagum; ac þaet getæl wíse witan on óðre wísan getrahtnedon, Wlfst. 244, 4. Ic bidde ꝥ mé þis sý fullícor getrahtnod (-rihted, -recced, ) hoc plenius exponi postulo, Gr. D. 102, 21. ge-trahtnian

Mots connexes: ll.
