
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-unstillan

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

p. de To disturb, disquiet :-- Þá scínlác þe him ǽr ætýwdon, ne geunstillað hý hine, Lch. i. 360, 15. Rǽde hé swá þæt hé óþre mid gehlýde ne geunstille (inquietet), R. Ben. 73, 14. Se abbod ne geunstille ne ne gedréfe þá heorde abbas non conturbet gregem, 113, 23. Ne hé ne beó andig and fǽcne, for ðám á byð geunstilled (-od, ) and restleás þe mid ðám unþeáwum beléd byð non sit zelotipus et nimis suspiciosus, quia nunquam requiescit, 120, 14. ꝥ ðá gebróðra ne beóh geunstilde ut non inquietent fratres, 84, 8. ge-unstillan

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