
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-wéman

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add :-- Fylstende and geécende and gewémende adstipulans, Wrt. Voc. ii. 9, 40. I. to allure to (1) what is right, desirable :-- Oft mon sceal ðone welegan ofermódan tó him loccian mid líðelicre ólicunga, for ðǽm ðæt hé hine tó ryhte geweeme (-wéme, ) nonnunquam superbus dives exhortationis blandimento placandus est, Past. 183, 20. His þeáwas tó Godes willan gewéman, R. Ben. 99, 20. His leóda tó Gode gewéman, Hml. S. 26, 51. Tó þan sóþan geleáfan gewǽmed, Lch. iii. 442, 6. (2) what is wrong, undesirable :-- Hwí woldest þú ámyrran mín áncennedan sunu þurh þínne drýcræft and tó þínum Críste gewéman, Hml. S. 4, 199. II. to allure from (1) what is right, desirable :-- Gif úre mágas willað us gewéman fram Críste, Hex. 40, 29. Gehwylce men þe hé mihte hé ongan gewéman (lǽran, v. l.) fram his neósunge, Gr. D. 117, 11. (2) what is wrong, undesirable :-- Hé wæs biddende ꝥ heó Chrisantum gewémde fram Críste mid sprǽce, Hml. S. 35, 86. Gif þú wille þínne sunu gewéman fram Críste, 40. ge-weman

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