Ge-wis, -wiss

Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-wis, -wiss

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :


ge-wis, -wiss
n. I. what is certain. (1) certain information:--Ðá úþwitan þe sǽdon þæt nǽfre nánwiht gewisses nǽre búton twæónunga, Solil. H. 20, 22. Ne mæg ic nán gewis bringan tó mínum geférum, Hml. S. 23, 577. Hé áxode þæs martyres naman . . . ac heora nán nyste nán gewis be þám (cf. nyste heora nán his naman tó secgenne, Hml. Th. ii. 506, 30), Hml. S. 31, 349. Mænige wíse men swíþe swuncen mid ðǽre sprǽce and litel gewis (or adj.?) funden, Bt. 41, 4; F. 250, 20. (2) a record giving exact information, certificate(?):--Hæbbe se abbod á mid him gewrit ealra þǽra ǽhta; þonne seó notu on gebróðra gewrixle bið, sý þæt gewis á mid þám abbode, þæt hé wite hwæt betǽht sý and hwæt underfangen ex quibus abbas brevem teneat, ut dum sibi in ipsa assignata fratres vicissim succedunt sciat quid dat et quid recipit, R. Ben. 56, 9. II. certainty. (1) of knowledge, belief, trust:--Miccle gewisse very certainly, Men. 124. (1 a) mid gewisse with certainty, without doubt:--Wé witan mid gewisse þæt hit neálǽcð, Wlfst. 90, 4: R. Ben. 128, 17. Hwæs gehwá gelýfan sceolde mid gewisse, Hml. S. 23, 406. Mid gewisse trúwiende, 23 b, 777 note. (1 b) tó gewisse certainly, as a certainty:--Án þing ic eów secge tó gewisse, Wlfst. 89, 21. Wé nyton tó nánum gewisse hwænne Críst ús wile habban tó him, Hml. A. 55, 121. (2) of occurrence, mid gewisse with certainty, without fail:--Bissextus ǽfre binnan þám feórþan geáre cymð mid gewisse, Angl. viii. 312, 11. (3) certainty in action, where a definite course is followed:--Swá hé six and twéntig daga ꝥ færeld þurhteáh, swilce hé tó sumum menn mid gewisse (with definite aim) fóre (as if he were going to meet some one particular person), Hml. S. 23 b, 160. (4) used with indefinite sense, mid gewisse certainly, indeed. Cf. witodlíce, sóþlíce:--Mid gewisse se foresǽda bisceop . . . angan . . . tó befrínenne, Lch. iii. 432, 26.

Mots connexes: un-gewiss. ge-wis,gewis
