
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-wuna

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add:--Gewuna usus, Wrt. Voc. i. 54, 68. I. referring to living creatures. (1) person's) habitual action">a specified connexion">habitual action, wont, custom, habit:--Hí ǽghwér hergodon and bærndon swá heora gewuna wæs, Chr. 1009; P. 139, 16: 1016; P. 150, 17. Ꝥ mé þincþ wiþerweard þing ǽlces monnes gewunan, Bt. 26, 2; F. 92, 25. Gif him ǽnig wuht bið wið his gewunan, 11, 1; F. 32, 19. Hé dyde æfter his gewunan, Chr. 1085; P. 217, 9. Hý dydon heora gewuna (-wunan, v. p. 295), 1006; P. 137, 2. Ealle gesceafta mótan heora gewunan bewitigan bútan mé ánum. Ic eom benumen mínra þeáwa and eom getogen tó fremdum þeáwum, Bt. 7, 3; F. 20, 24. ¶ on gewunan bringan, habban; tó gewunan niman to make a practice of, to be in the habit of using or doing:--Nú þincð heom þis syllic tó gehýranne, for þám þe hig habbað heora yrmðe swá on gewunan gebróht, Wlfst. 269, 28. Ðá twá word, abrenunteo and credo, þe man æt fulluhtþénunge on gewunan hæfð, 38, 9. Wé willað ꝥ munecas regollícor libban þonne hí ǽr þisan on gewunan hæfdon, Ll. Th. i. 346, 28. Ðá lytlan synna mon ne geléfð tó nánre synne, ac nimð hí tó gewunan minor culpa dum quasi nulla crediiur, in usu retinetur, Past. 437, 27. (2) person's) habitual action">a specified connexion">habitual action in a specified connexion, practice of, habit of:--Se forhwierfeda gewuna gemálicnesse, Past. 79, 19. Ðisse eorðlican drohtunge gewuna humanae conversationis usus, 169, 7. (3) a (person's) person's) habitual action">a specified connexion">habitual action, a habit, custom:--Ic wát ꝥ nán gewuna ne mæg nánum men beón onwended, ꝥ þæt mód ne sié be sumum dǽle onstyred omnis subita mutatio rerum non sine quodam quasi fluctu contingit animorum, Bt. 7, 1; F. 16, 23. Hé eóde on þá gesamnunge æfter his gewunan (geuna, L., consuetudinem), Lk. 4, 16: 22, 39. (3 a) a custom of a number of people, a general practice:--[Fæderli]ces gewunan paternae traditionis (regulam servasse describuntur), An. Ox. 1627. (3 b) the habit of a class, manner:--On eargra cempena gewunan timidorum more militum, An. Ox. 740. (4) custom, usage in official matters:--Hit is eówor gewuna (-uunæ, L., consuetudo) ꝥ ic forgyfe eów ánne mann on eástron, Jn. 18, 39. (5) custom in ceremonial, ritual:--Of hǽþenum gewunan apostatico ritu (turificare), An. Ox. 4920. Man hine ðǽr gehádede efter þan ealdan gewunan, Chr. 1070; P. 204, 9. Æfter heora gewunon hié God gebǽdon, Bl. H. 201, 12. (6) systematic arrangement, system, method:--Rómánisce leóde ongynnað heora geár æfter hǽðenum gewunan, Lch. iii. 246, 16. II. referring to things, wont, usual character of a thing:--Wæs ꝥ hús hwemdragen, nalas æfter gewunan mennisces weorces ꝥ þá wágas wǽron rihte, Bl. H. 207, 18. Ongeán gewunan contra (creaturae) ritum, An. Ox. 1820. v. Eáster-, níd-, un-, weorold-gewuna. ge-wuna

Mots connexes: l.
