
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - geár

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

gér, gǽr, es;

n. A YEAR; annus :-- Óðer com geár another year came, Beo. Th. 2272; B. 1134. Ðis wæs feorþes geáres his ríces this was in the fourth year of his reign, Chr. 47; Th. 10, 13, col. 1. On geáre in the year, Menol. Fox 218; Men. 110. Ðríwa on gére thrice a year, Thw. Exod. 23, 17. Hæfde me éce geár ealle on móde annos æternos in mente hăbui, Ps. Th. 76, 5 : Lk. Bos. 2, 36. Þreó and þritig geára three and thirty years, Cd. 224; Th. 296, 16; Sat. 503. Geárum fród old in years, l09; Th. 143, 19; Gen. 2381. Men hátaþ ðysne dæg geáres dæg, swylce ðes dæg fyrmest sý on geáres ymbryne men call this day [new] year's day, as if this day were the first in the year's circuit, Homl. Th. i. 98, 16. [Wyc. ȝeer, ȝer, ȝeers, ȝerys years : Piers P. yere : Chauc. yer, yere : R. Brun. ȝere : Laym. Orm. ȝer : Plat. jaar, jar, n : O. Sax. gér, jár, n : Frs. jier : O. Frs. ier, iar, ger, n : Dut. jaar, n : Ger. jahr, jar, n : M. H. Ger. jár, n : O. H. Ger. jár, n : Goth. yér, n : Dan. aar, n : Swed. år, n : Icel. ár, n : Bohem. gar, m. f. spring : Zend. yáre, n. year.] DER. freóls-geár, fyrn-.

Mots connexes: Grm. D. M. p. 715. gear
