Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - gegninga
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- gegninga
- Substitute: Directly, straightway, (1) of motion, without deviating:--Hý gongað gegnunga tó Hierusalem, Gú. 785. (2) of time, at once:--Embe hand, hrædlíce sóna þǽrrigte, génunga jam jam, cito, Germ. 388, 73. Sé þe gelíð, raðe hé styrfð oððe génunge hé áríseð, Lch. iii. 188, 21. Þæt hié gegnunga gyldon sceolde that they should at once sacrifice, Dan. 212. Þǽr þú gegninga gúðe findest, An. 1351: 1356. Geagnunga, El. 673. (3) without intermediate agency:--Hwá meahte mé swylc gewit gifan, gif hit gegnunga God ne onsende?, Gen. 672. Þæt hit gegnunga from Gode cóme, 683. (4) directly to an end, without modification, completely, simply:--Þæt mæg secgan sé þe wyle sóð sprecan, þæt se mondryhten, sé eów geaf eóredgeatwe . . . génunga gúðgewǽdu forwurpe (that he simply threw away the weapons he gave you), B. 2871. [O. Sax. gegnungo.] gegninga