
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - genge

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

adj. Going, current, prevalent, valid :-- Ðeáh ðe ðæs cyninges béne mid hine swíðode and genge wǽre preces regis illius multum valere apud eum, Bd. 3, 12; S. 537, 19. Ðæt his sóþ fore us genge weorðe that his truth be current before us, Exon. 43 b; Th. 147, 35; Gú. 737. Á ðín dóm sý gód and genge ever be thy judgment good and valid, 54 b; Th. 192, 20; Az. 109. Gód biþ genge and wiþ God lenge good prevails and lasts before God, 91 a; Th. 341, 4; Gn. Ex. 121. [O. H. Ger. gengi usual: Ger. gäng.] genge,-genge