Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - geómor-mód
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- geómor-mód
- Add: I. of persons. (1) sad-hearted, sad of soul, sorrowful:--Þá wearð Esau swíðe sárig and geómormód (consternatus), Gen. 27, 34. Cain gewát gongan geómormód, wineleás wrecca, Gen. 1050. Ic teáras sceal geótan geómormód, Cri. 173. Geómormód, . . . earg and unrót, 1407: Hy. 10, 29. Á scyle geong mon wesan geómormód, heard heortan geþoht, swylce habban sceal blíþe gebǽro if a young man must ever be sad of soul, brave heart's thought, also cheery bearing must he have, Kl. 42. Geómormódes drúsendne hyge, Gú. 1033. Gewitan him (the apostles after the ascension) gongan . . . geómormóde, Cri. 535: An. 406. (2) gloomy from a sense of evil fortune or danger:--Eald æscwiga, se þe eall geman gárcwealm gumena (him bið grim sefa), onginneð geómormód geongum cempan . . . higes cunnian, B. 2044. Þám folce geómormódum (the people threatened by Holofernes' army), Jud. 144. II. of birds:--Fugelas cyrrað from þám gúþfrecan geómormóde eft tó earde, Ph. 353. geomor-mod