
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - geond

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

ad I. marking position, yonder, away there:--Hér hí synd full gehende geond on Célian dúne here they are quite close away there on the Celian hill, Hml. S. 23, 305. Hí synd hér geond on þám scræfe æt Célian dúne, 734. Gyf Wealh Englis(c)ne man ofsleá, ne þearf hé hine hider ofer (over here) búton be healfan were gyldan, ne Ænglisc Wyli[s]cne geon[d] ofer (away over there), Ll. Th. i. 354, 20. II. where there is motion, thither, over there:--Þanon ealle wé flugon geond tó þǽre dúne thence we all fled over there to the hill, Hml. S. 23, 740. Uton þyder geond gán let us go over there to the place, 748: 321. Brǽd ꝥ heáfod hider and geond, Lch. ii. 38, 4. II a. with a verb of looking:--Ic lócade hider and geond (huc illucque), Bd. 5, 12; Sch. 622, 2. geond,geond-

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