
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - gifan

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add :-- Doto, -as, dono vel gifu, Wrt. Voc. ii. 142, l. Geben (gibaen, Ep. Gl.) wæs inpendebatur, Txts. 71, 1086. I. to give a thing as a present :-- Se wela þe se cyning gifþ his deórlingum. Bt. 29, 1 ; F. 102, 3. Þū. sealdest mē wilna geniht. For þan þū ne þearft sceamiaii . . . þæs þū mē geáfe, Seel. 149. Hē geaf mē sinc and symbel, B. 2431 : 2173. Nān man ne sylle nān hors ofer sǣ, būtan hē hit gifan wille, Ll. Th. i. 208, 19. Geafendum mid dingum oblatis muneribus, Mt. p. 14, II. to grant, confer an honour, a privilege, office, favour, &c. :-- Se anweald þe hē gifþ his deórlingum, Bt. 29, I ; F. 102, 3. Gif man his mæn freóls gefe, Ll. Th. i. 38, 15. Þpingie hē on þām ceápgilde . . . nāht on þām wīte, būtan hit sē gifan wille ꝥe hit tō gebyrige, 210, 18. Hē scolde heom done pallium gifan, Chr. 995 ; P. 130, 34. II a. to give credit, confidence, affection, &c. :-- Þæs cyninges gefērrǣden þe hē gīfþ his deórlingum, Bt. 29, 1 ; F. 102, 3. Gif bisenum lufu is tō gefanne si exemplar ibus fides est adhibita. Mt. p. I. 12. III. of superhuman power. Cf. gifeþe :-- Þū, Drihten, forgeáfe þām sāwlum eard on hiofonum and him þǣr UNCERTAIN gifst weorþlice gifa, Bt. 33, 4 ; F. 132, 19. Be dæs andgites mǣde de God ūs gifþ, 42 ; F. 256, 4. God dōm gifed gumena gehwylcum, An. 1153. Giefed, Cri. 674 : Crä. 112. Of þām ǣhtum þe ic eów on eordan geaf, Cri. 1502 : 1382. Drihten þām werude geaf mōd and mihte, Dan. 13. Dryhten hyre weordmynde geaf, Jud. 343 : An. 317 : El. 365. Hwæt hæfst dū æt þām gifum þe dū cwist ꝥ seó wyrd eów gife?, Bt. 13 ; F. 38, 5. Him weorded blǣd gifen, Cri. 878. Gyfen, B. 64. III a. used in the expression of a wish :-- Se ælmihtiga God him gife wurdscipe, Chr. 1085; P. 217, 13.] Þē Meotud wist gife, An. 388. III b. used absolutely:-- Ðæt is his weorþscipe ꝥ hē swā gifol is, and swā rūmedlīce gifd, Bt. 38, 3; F. 202, 14. Simle hē biþ gifende, and ne wanaþ his nǣfre nāuht, 42; F. 258, 5. ¶ to give to do something, grant :-- Heó wæs gelǣded, gifendum Drihtne and scyldendum, tō dām munuchāde, Gr. D. 199, 18. IV. to assign the future ownership of property, be-queath :-- Sē þe land gewerod hæbbe . . . , hæbbe hē unbesacen on dæge and æfter dæge tō syllenne and tō gifenne þām þe him leófast sȳ, Ll. Th. i. 420, 22. V. to give in marriage :-- Geaf Æþelwulf cyning his dohtor Burgrēde, Chr. 853 ; P. 66, 2. Þā þā heó befleáh þām gesettan gyfte . . . in þām hī man gifan wolde dum constitutis jam nuptiis . . . fugisset, Gr. D. 199, 16. VI. to deliver, hand to a person; to give food :-- Þā wæs gylden hylt gamelum rince on hand gyfen, B. 1678. Gif man his heówum in fæsten flǣsc gefe, Ll. Th. i. 40, 9. . VII. to give into the hands of, handover to possess or to keep, consign, commit, entrust :-- Hī (hine) lēton holm beran, geáfon on gārsecg, B. 49. Āgife (gyfe, ) man þām āgenfrīgean his āgen, Ll. Th. i. 390, 7. Þeáh him eall sié þes middangeard on ǣht gifen, Met. 16, 10. VIII. to give in discharge of obligation, pay :-- Him eallum wile Drihten dædleán gyfan, Exod. 263. IX. to give to a superior, pay a tax, due (religious or secular), make an offering :-- Gef ding ꝥ bebeád Mōyses offer munus quod praecepit Moses, Mt. L. 8, 4: Mk. L. l, 44. Gif se Fræncisca byd ofer-cuman, hē gyfe þām cynge .III. pund, Ll. Th. i. 489, 17. Ðing tō geaf-anne munus offerendum, Mt. p. 14, 13. X. to give up to, devote, consign :-- Ic hī ne sparige, ac on spild giefe, Jul. 85. Hī Waldend giefed feóndum in forwyrd, Cri. 1614. XI. where the object is a trans-active act considered as given by the agent and received by the person or thing affected :-- Þonne swīad hē and hlyst gefed, Ph. 143. Eów miltse giefed fæder ælmihtig, Jul. 657. Him se hæle geaf giestlīdnysse, Gen.2445. Gif bescoren man gange him an giestlīdnesse, gefe him man ǣnes, Ll. Th. i. 38, 13. Hē uoenas geafa embehtsumnise l hērnisse hine hē gefe Gode arbitretur obseguium se praestare Deo, Jn. L. R. 16, 2. XII. to offer, present to the action of another :-- Hē beald in gebede bīdsteall gifed fæste on fēdan. Jul. 388. Giefed, Rä. 41, 19. Gif huā dec slāes in suīdra ceica dīn gef (praebe) him dȳ ōdera. Mt. L. 5, 39. XIII. to Orfee for observation, set forth a statement for consideration :-- Tō geafanne mid efennisse adhibita comparatione, Mt. p. 15, 12. XIV. to allot, assign :-- Þǣr ys ān tō lāfe, gif þæne Aprili, Angl. viii. 303, 38 : 43. XV. to cause to have or receive. (l) the subject a person :-- Brego engla geaf eft blisse gehwǣm ēgbūendra þurh eordan westm, Chr. 975; P. 122, l. (2) of things, to be productive of :-- Ǽlcum men his āgen gōd giUNCERTAINþ good edleán, Bt. 37, 2 ; F. 188, 27. Ðā cwæþ hē: ' Wēnst þū hwæþer ǣnig þissa andweardana gooda þē mæge sellan fulle gesǣlþa ? Ðā andswarode ic : ' Nāt ic nānwuht. . . þe swelc gifan mæge 33. 3; F. 126, 23. XVI. to allow to have, not to withhold, to release :-- Is giwuna iów ꝥte ēnne ic gefe l forlēte (dimittam) iów in eóstro, wallad gē fordon ꝥ ic gefe (dimittam) cynig ludēa?, Jn. R. L. 18, 39. v. ge-, on-gifan; for-gifen. gifan

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