
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - gīfre

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add :-- Ðā gīfran avida. Wrt. Voc. ii. i. 4. I. greedy of food. (l) of persons :-- Gīfre ambro, Wrt. Voc. ii. 96, 49. Gīfre, grǣdig consumptor, i. devorator, gluto, 134, I. Etol, gīfre edax, i. vorax, vorator, 142, 29. Ðā gīfran gulae dediti, Past. 308, 15. (l a) as an epithet of the mouth, lips, &c. :-- Smǣrum gīfrum (grīfrum, MS.) buccis ambronibus, i. cupidis l auidis, An. Ox. 698. Gīfrum, 5, 19, (l b) of an action or quality displaying greediness :-- Mid gīferre gulosa (fraude, Ald. 204, 31), Wrt. Voc. ii. 40, 29. (2) of animals :-- Swā swā fleógende fugel, donne hē gīfre (avidus) bid, hē gesihd dæt ǣs, and donne for dǣm luste dæs metes hē forgiet dæt grīn, Past. 331, 17. Ðæs gīfran dopfugeles voracis mer[g]ule, Wrt. Voc. ii. 76, 6. Þē sculon moldwyrrnas ceówan . . . swearte wihta gīfre and grǣdige, Seel. 74. (2 a) of a quality :-- Of gīfre frecinesse gulosa ingluvie, An. Ox. 4, 37. II. of destructive things, devouring flame, &c. :-- Þeáh gē mīnne flǣschoman forgrīpen gīfran lēge, Gū. 346. Rīcels gīfre glēda bærnad, Ps. Th. 140, 2. III. greedy of prey or booty, rapacious, ravenous. (l) of a person :-- Ne bid nān heretoga swā gīfre on fræmdra manna yrfe swā se unrihtwīsa dēma byþ on his hȳremanna, Ll. Lbmn. 475, 18. His (Grendel's) mōdor gīfre and galgmōd gegān wolde sorhfulne sīd, B. 1277. Gīfrum deófle, Sal. 145. Hī (the fallen angels') gedūfan sceoldun in þone deópan wælm . . . grēdige and gīfre, Sat. 32. (l a) of feeling or action :-- Wē þurh gīfre mōd beswican ūs sylfe, Hö. 95. Deád hine rǣsed on gīfrum grāpum, Gū. 969. (2) of a place that receives many victims :-- Helle grǣdige and gīfre, Gen. 793. IV. greedy of money, covetous :-- Gīfre bid sē þām golde onfēhd, Gn. Ex. 70. V. in a good sense, eagerly desirous for (gen.) :-- Ic wolde ymbe þone lǣcedōm þāra dīnra lāra hwēne māre gehȳran , . . Ic heora eom swīþe gīfre ǣgþer ge tō gehērenne ge eác tō gehealdanne remedia . . . audiendi avidus vehementer efflagito, Bt. 22, I; F. 76, 20.

Mots connexes: feoh-, heoru-, ofer-, orleg-, wæl-gīfre. gifre
