
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - gift

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add: es; n. (m. ? Cf. ǣrist for gender). I. a giving, restoring :-- Hwæþer magon rihtwīsra manna sāwla beón onfangene in heofonas ǣr þǣre gyfte and geednīwunge þāra līchamana on dōmes dæge (ante restitutionem corporum), Gr. D. 295, ii. II. a gift :-- -Ðæt is cyninges andweorc . . . gifta (gifa, v. l. For the need, in the case of a king, of having gifts to give, see B. 1719-23) and wǣpnu . . . and gehwæt þæs þe þā þrié gefērscipas behōfiaþ, Bt. 17 ; F. 60, 4. v. feoh-, hand-gift. III. the giving of a woman in marriage, marriage, v. gīfan ; V. [The word is generally in the plural. Cf. nuptiae.] (l) entrance into wedlock, ihe ceremony or procedure by which two persons are made man and wife, nuptials :-- Drihten wolde geswutelian þæt dā giftu beód herigendlice de for bearnteáme beód gefremode swīdor þonne for gālnysse. Hml. Th. ii. 54. 10. ꝥā wurdon gegearcode þā gyftu æfter gewunan, and hī cōman on ānum bedde tōsomne. Hml. S. 4, 27. Gifta, 7, 312. Æfter gāstlicum andgite Drihten cōm tō giftum on dissum middanearde, for dan de hē dā hālgan geladunge him tō brȳde geceás . . . Crīst is se brȳdguma, Hml. Th. ii. 54, 11-16. (I a) the marriage ceremony with attendant festivi-ties :-- Sum cyning worhte his suna gyfte, Hml. Th. i. 520, 6. Drihten hine sylfne gemedemode ꝥ hē tō woruldlicum giftum geladod cōm, Hml. Th. ii. 54, 8. He sceal foresceáwian þām mǣdene gyfta, reáf and hire mægdhādes wurd. Gif hē þās þreó þing ne dēd providebit puellae nuptias et vestimenta et pretium pudicitiae non negabit. Si tria ista non fecerit, Ex. 21, II. Hē dō hiere gyfta, Ll. Th. i. 46, 17. (2) a particular matrimonial alliance :-- Be don de mon wīf bycgge and donne sió gift tōstande. Ll. Th. i. 122, 4. Þā þā heó befleáh þām gesettan gyfte (gyfe, v. l.) tō Godes cyrican (dum constitutis jam nuptiis in ecclesiam fugisset) . . . gefreodod fram þām gyftum heó wæs gelǣded tō dām munuchāde. Gr. D. 199, 14-19. (3) the married state, matrimony, wedlock :-- Gyftu (this should be gen. sing., but perhaps is pl.; the form in Hpt. Gl. 520, 57 is gifta) bende wǣre gecnyt conubii i. nuptie nexu nodaretur, An. Ox. 5003. Gyfte (hǣmedscipes. Hpt. Gl. 482, 7) gewrixle hymenei commercio, 7, 235. Swā hwylc sē de hafad manual, odde wīf gifte (geþeódne ? cf. Wer and wīf on hǣmede geþeódde vir et mulier in matrimonio conjuncti. 27. Or is gifte pp. of giftan?) unālīfedlice swā þeáh quicunque virum aut mulierem habuerit illicite matrimonio con-junctum, Ll. Th. ii. 150, 24. Hit is scandlic dæt forwerode men giftawilnian, donne gifta ne sind gesette for nānum dinge būton for bearn-teáme. Hml. Th. ii. 94, 12. Heáp mægdhādes manna on clǣnnysse þurh-wunigende forlǣtenum giftum, i. 546, 23. Tō gyftum ad (thalami) tedas. An. Ox. 2, 199. Gyftu, 3377. Gyfta, hǣmeda hymeneos, 1781 : Wrt. Voc. ii. 43, 13. v. brȳd-, wīf-gifta. gift

Mots connexes: æ-, ed-, freót, hlāford-, rǣd-gift.
