
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - gifu

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Take hire geafu in Dict. , and add: acc. gife, gifu : gife, an (?); f. A gift :-- Gifu vel donatum">donum, datum vel donatum, Wrt. Voc. i. 28, 57. Twifealdre gife bino munere, ii. 126, 26. Beneficium freme, i. donum gife, 125, 29. I. a giving, bestowal :-- Dativus is forgyfendlic : mid dām casu byd geswutelod ǣlces dinges gifu, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 22, 17. Gefe doncungo gidōe wē gratias agimus, Rtl. 36, 33. I a. a giving by the Deity :-- Hē hié onlȳhte mid his þæs Hālgan Gāstes gife, Bl. H. 145, 7. Gefe gefes donatione gratie, Rtl. 52, 10. I b. as a legal term, gift, transfer of property :-- Hlāfordes gifu þe hē on riht āge tō gifanne, Ll. Th. i. 292, 16. Riht gifu, 422, l : ii. 302, 7. I c. a giving in marriage, a wedding, III. 2. II. habitual giving, munificence, liberality. Cf. gifan ; III b :-- Hwæt wille wē cweþan be þīnum twām sunum, þā sint ealdormenn and gebeahteras ; on þām is swiotol sió gifu and ealla þā duguda heora fæder and heora eldran fæder, swā swā geonge men magon gelīcoste beón ealdum monnun quid dicam liberos consulares, quorum jam, ut in id aetatis pueris, vel paterni, vel aviti specimen elucet ingenii?, Bt. 10 ; F. 28, 32. Gyfe munificentia, i. liberalitas, An. Ox. 2293. Duguþgyfe, gife, cystinysse munificentiam, liberalitatem, 1183. III. what is given, a gift. (l) the giver a person, (a) a present :-- Gifu zenia, Wrt. Voc. i. 21, 53. Hig worhton him āne anlīcnesse . . . and þāron þus āwriton : ' Ðās gifu sealde seó ceasterwaru Apollonio, ' Ap. Th. 10, 14. ꝥ is heora bīwist. . . gifa and wǣpnu and mete . . . , Bt. 17; F. 60, 4. Gyfe, lāc munuscula (fructuum), An. Ox. 4503. Se pāpa sende him micla gifa, Chr. 885 ; P. 80, 7. Hī geáfon him myccla geofa, 1075 ; P. 209, 30. (b) a gift to a divinity, an offering, a sacrifice :-- Sē þe ād sellaþ in þǣre geofu (gefo, L. , offrunge, W. S. , dono). . . . Hwæþer māre is geofu (gefe, L.) oþþe wībed ꝥte hālgaþ dā geofu (ꝥ gefe, L.)?, Mt. R. 23, 18, 19. Corban ꝥ is on ūre gedeóde gyfu (geafa, L., gefe, R.), Mk. 7, II. Crīste mon brōhte gold tō gefe, Shrn. 48, 19. Mildheortnisse ic willo and nis geafo (sacrificium), Mt. L. 9, 13. ꝥte saldon geafa (offrunge, W. S.) ut darent hostiam, Lk. L. 2, 24. Geafa oblationem, Rtl. 12, 15. Hālige gife donaria sancta, i. sacrificia, Wrt. Voc. ii. 141, 79. THORN;ancwurþe gife grata libamina, i. hostia (oblaturus), An. Ox. 367. Gebrōhton hint geafa (lāc, R., W. S., munera), Mt. L. 2, ii. (bb) o gift to a temple :-- Templ geglenged mid gōdum gifum (geafum, L., geofum, R. , donis), Lk. 21, 5. (c) a gift to a woman at marriage, a dowry (For an instance of such a gift see Cht. Th. 312) :-- Dos, dotalis, i. wed, gifu vel fædrenfeoh, Wrt. Voc. ii. 141, 80. Gife dote, 71. Brȳdlicere gyfe nuptiali dote, An. Ox. 4552. (d) what is given to obtain favour or to avoid injury, in a bad sense, a bribe :-- Gefe tōbrēt donum (hominis) dilatat (viam ejus) Kent. Gl. 647. Manega giofa (zelus viri non suscipiet pro redemption) dona, plurima, 175. (2) the giver a superhuman power, (a) a material or non-material good regarded as granted by a higher power :-- Wē wǣron ātende grimlīce ǣr wē mihton þās gerīna āspyrian, ac ūs cōm hrædlīce fultum, wē gelȳfad of heofenum, swā hit rǣd ys, ꝥ ǣlc ædele gife nyder āstīhd fram þām fæder ealra leóhta, Angl. viii. 313, 2. Ðā mettas de God gesceóp tō etanne monnum dǣm de Gode donciad mid goodum weorcum his giefa (gifa, v. l.), Past. 319, 3: 331, 8. Ūre Drihten is gemyndig ealra þāra gifena þe hē ūs tō lǣteþ, Bl. H. 51, 24. Geofena, 103, 26. Hwæt hæfst dū æt þām gifum þe dū cwist ꝥ seó wyrd eów gife, Bt. 13; F. 38, 4. ¶ the giver a personification :-- Þū miht þæs habban þanc ꝥ þū mīnra (Wisdom's) gifa wel brūce . . . Hæbbe ic þē benumen þīnra gifena þāra þe þē from mē cōmon?, Bt. 7, 3 ; F. 20, 12-15. (b) a spiritual benefit :-- Þes dæg is geweorþod mid manegum godcundum geofum, næs þǣra gifena lǣs þonne Drihtnes ǣrist, and eác þonne seó gifu þæs Hālgan Gāstes, Bl. H. 133, 2-4. Þurh gife dæs Hālgan Gāstes. Ðeós geofu þurh Drihtnes miht on heora heortan ālegd wes, 137, 3. ꝥ is micel gifo ꝥ hē gebīt od dæt dā yfelan ongitaþ hyra yfel, Bt. 38, 3; F. 202, 14. Gif þū wistest Godes gyfe (geafa, L., donum) . . . þū bǣde hine ꝥ hē sealde þē līfes wæter, Jn. 4, 10. Ealra þāra gifa be hē middangearde forgeaf þurh his tōcyme, Bl. H. 31, 29. (c) a power or quality miracu-lously bestowed, a Christian virtue emanating from the Holy Ghost :-- Wæs sum brōdor þām godcundlīce forgifen wæs seó gyfu tō singanne. Bd. 4, 24 ; Sch. 480, 19. Gyfe munus (virginale), An. Ox. 4210. On bēc gāstlicra sylena l gyfa in catalogo charismatum, 342. Gifena, Wrt. Voc. ii. 80, 67. Wītgan . . . mid Hāliges Gāstes geofum gehālgode, Bl. H. 161, 14. . . . Gifum, 165, 21. (d) a natural ability or faculty :-- Ǣlc cræft hæfþ his sundorgife, and þā gife hē forgifþ ǣlcum dāra de hine lufad, Bt. 27, 2 ; F. 96, 31. Ðā men habbaþ eall ꝥ wē ǣr ymbe sprǣc-on, and eác tō eácan dǣm micle gife gesceádwīsnesse, 41, 5; F. 252, 29. IV. grace, favour :-- Oest, gifu gratia, Wrt. Voc. ii. 40, 5. Gefo carissi, 70, 37. (l) grace, benevolent regard of the Deity :-- Hū mihte ǣfre englum māra gefeá and geofu and blis geweorþan?, Bl. H. 123, 14. Mid Godes geafa Deo donante, Jn. p. 187, 13. Þū gemētst gife (gyfe, v. l. gratiam) myd Gode, Lk. l, 30: Bl. H. 7, 18. Þurh Godes gife, 121, 10. Him ealle þā tōweardan þing þurh Godes gifu wǣron gecȳdde, Guth. 44, 25. (2) an exceptional favour, privilege, prerogative :-- Synderlic gifa prerogatiua, An. Ox. 2572. (3) in a theological sense, (a) grace in contrast with law :-- Ǣ wæs geseald þurh Mōysen, and gyfu (gefo, L., geofo. R., gratia) is geworden þurh Hǣlend Crīst, Jn. l, 17. Wē under gyfe gesette nos sub gratia positi, An. Ox. 40, 9. On nīwre geleáfan gyfe wē gangaþ in noua fidei gratia ambu-lamus, 25. (b) grace, the divine influence which operates in men to sanctify and to inspire with virtuous impulses :-- ꝥ him wǣre from Dryhtne sylfum heofonlic gyfo (gifu, geofu, gyfu, v. ll.) forgyfen caelestem ei a Domino concessam esse gratiam, Bd. 4, 24; Sch. 485, 12. Seó geofu wæs brōht for þǣre synne þæs ǣrestan wīfes. . . . Heó wæs mid gife ge-fylled, and seú synn wæs ādīlegod, Bl. H. 5, 4, Wæs his heorte innan þurh Godes gifu onbryrdod, þæt hē wēstenes gewilnode, Guth. 18, 24. (b b) the divine grace considered as a permanent force :-- ꝥ cild weóx and Godes gyfu (geafa, L., gefe, R.) wæs on him puer crescebat et gratia Dei erat in eo. Lk. 2, 40. Ðū cart Drihtnes gife full, Bl. H. 141, 3. Hāl wes dū mid gyfe gefylled, Lk. I. 28. Mid godcundre gyfe gemǣred, Bd. 4, 24; Sch. 481, l. (4) favoUNCERTAINr, clemency, remission of a penalty :-- Beó hē his inganges scyldig, and þǣr ne beó nān gyfu, Cht. Th. 606, 22. ¶ gifum, tō gifes gratis :-- Gifum gratis. Ps. Rdr. 34, 8. Tō gifes gratis, An. Ox. 3069. v. ælmes-, duguþ-, eard- (?), gāst-, un-, weorold-gifu. gifu

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