
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - gild-scipe

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add :-- On Wudeburge lande is eác ān ōder gildscipe ge-gaderod Crīste and SUNCERTAINUNCERTAIN Petre . . . And þis sind þāra manna nama[n], Cht. Th. 609, 24. Gif hwilc gilda forþfære, gebrynge hine eal se gildscipe þǣr hē tō; wilnie . . . Wrece eal gildscipe þone gildan, 611, 2, 25. Of Alwines gildscipe . . . Of þām gildscipe on Lēge, 610, I. 9.

Mots connexes: ge-gildscipe. gild-scipe
