Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - gildan
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
geldan, gieldan, gyldan, ic gilde, gielde, gylde, ðú giltst, gieltst, gyltst, gilst, he gildeþ, gilt, gielt, gylt,
- gildan
- pl. gildaþ; p. geald, pl. guldon; pp. golden; reddere, solvere, tribuere, retribuere, rependere, restituere, service, colere :-- Gafol gyldan to pay tribute, Ors. 1, 10; Bos. 32, 24, 28: Mt. Bos. 17, 24. Ic mín gehát Dryhtne gylde vota mea Domino reddam, Ps. Th. 115, 8: 78, 13: 93, 22. Se gylt ǽlcum be his gewyrhtum he requites each according to his works, Bt. 40, 7; Fox 244, 1: Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 20, 35. Gilde ðæt ilce wíte ðæt se óðer sceolde gif he him ryhtes wyrnde let him pay the like penalty that the other should if he had denied him justice, L. Ath. i. 3; Th. i. 200, 18. Drihtne guldon gód they paid good to the Lord, Cd. 111; Th. 146, 9; Gen. 2419. Gilde be twífealdon duplum restituet, Ex. 22, 4, 7. Gilde twífealdon, 22. 9. Gilde ðone byrst reddet damnum, 22, 6, 12. Gild ðínum esne góde dǽde retribue servo tuo, Ps. Th. 118, 17. Heaðo-rǽsas geald mearum and mádmum requited war-attacks with horses and treasures, Beo. Th. 2099; B. 1047. Ðæt ǽlc gulde óþrum edleán ǽlces weorces that each should render to another recompense for every work, Bt. 39, 1; Fox 212, 5: Bt. Met. Fox 27, 51; Met. 27, 26. Mín sceal mid grimme gryre golden wurþan fyll and feorh-cwealm my fall and murder shall be requited with grim horror, Cd. 55; Th. 67, 18; Gen. 1102. Sceuccgyldum swýðe guldan servierunt sculptilibus eorum, Ps. Th. 105, 26. Bebeád se cásere ðæt cristne men guldan deófolgeldum the emperor ordered that christian men should worship idols, Shrn. 88, 14, 22 : 74, 26. Deóflum geldan to worship devils, 110, 18. [Laym. Orm. ȝelden: cf. Shakspere's God ild you: O. Sax. geldan reddere, retribuere, solvere, præstare: O. Frs. jelda: O. H. Ger. geltan reddere, solvere, retribuere, sacrificare: Goth. -gildan, fra-gildan; p. -gald, pl. -guldum; pp. -guldans to repay, requite: Icel. gjalda.] DER. a-gildan, an-, on-, for-, ge-, to-. gildan