Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - god
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- m. God, the Deity, a god. The following epithets occur :-- dryhten, wealdend, nergend, hǽlend, sóþ, hálig, mihtig, ælmihtig, lifgende, ealwealda, heáhengla, heofona, heofonengla, heofonríces, gǽsta, mihta, mægena, weoruda, wuldres, sigores, sigora. Án God ys gód, Mt. 19, 17. Nys nán man gód, búton God ána, Lk. 18, 19. Hú gód Israhél God, Ps. Spl. 72, 1. Hér is Godes lamb, Jn. 1, 29. Enoch férde mid Gode, Gen. 5, 24. Ða leásan godas false gods, Blickl. Homl. 201, 30. Rachel forstæl hire fæder hǽðenan godas Rachel furata est idola patris sui, Gen. 31, 19. Hwí forstæle ðú me míne godas cur furatus es deos meos, 31, 30. Hǽðenan godas heathen gods, 31, 32. Héðenan godas heathen gods, 31, 33. Ne wirc ðú ðé agrafene godas work not thou for thyself graven gods, Ex. 20, 4. Drihten sylf ys Goda God, mǽre God, and mihtig, and egefull the Lord himself is God of Gods, a great God, a mighty and a terrible, Deut. 10, 17. Ne wyrc ðú ðé gyldne godas oððe seolfrene make thou not to thyself golden or silver gods, L. Alf. 10; Th. i. 44, 21: Ex. 32, 31: 23, 32: Jn. Skt. 10, 34, 35. Ða hǽdenan noldon beón gehealdene on feáwum godum.... Mánfullan men wǽron ða mǽrostan godas the heathens would not be contented with few gods.... Guilty men were the mightiest gods, Salm. Kmbl. p. 121, 40. [Goth. guþ; m: O. Sax. O. Frs. god: Icel. guð; m. pl. guðir dii: O. H. Ger. got; m: Ger. gott.] n. god