Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - godspellian
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- godspellian
- Add; I. to proclaim good tidings to :-- Ðú ðe wilt godspellian Sion tu qui evangelizas Sion, Past. 81, 9. Godspelliendum mid micelre mihte euangelizantibus uirtute multa, Ps. L. 67, 12. Þám godspelgendum mægenu manega euangelizantibus uirtutes multas, Ps. Rdr. 67, 12. II. of the good tidings of the gospel, (1) intrans. To preach the gospel to a person :-- Ongan hé þám foresprecenan bréþer godspellian praefato Fratri Verbum Dei evangelizare coepit, Guth. Gr. 163, 45. (2) trans. To preach the gospel :-- Hé bodade and godspellade ríc Godes praedicans et euangelizans regnum Dei, Lk. L. 8, 1. Hí Godes word Engla þeóda godspellodon, Chr. 596; P. 21, 17. [N. E. D. gospel; vb.] godspellian