
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - greát

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

adj. Great, large, thick, coarse :-- Græát grossus, Ælfc. Gl. 89; Som. 74, 101; Wrt. Voc. 51, 14. Swá swá greát beám like a great tree, Bt. 38, 2; Fox 198, 9. Æðelword Æðelmǽres sunu ðæs grǽtan Ethelward son of Ethelmer the great, Chr. 1017; Er1. 16l, 7. Tú hund greátes hláfes and þridde smales two hundred great loaves and a third of small, Th. Chart. 158, 25. God him send ufan greáte hagolstánas God cast down upon them great hailstones, Jos. 10, 11: Cd. 19; Th. 24, 27; Gen. 384. Ða wǽron unmetlíce greáte heáhnasse ingenti grossitudine atque altitudine, Nar. 4, 22. Wǽron hie swá greáte swá columnan ge eác sume grýttran serpentes columnarum grossitudine aliquantulum proceriores, 14, 15. Greáte swá stǽnene sweras micle vastitudine columnarum, 36, 12. Mid greátan sealte with coarse salt; cum sale marino, Herb. 37, 5; Lchdm. i. 138, 14. Mid scearpum pílum greátum with sharp and large stakes, Chr. Erl. 5, 10. [Orm. græt: Laym. græt, great: Chauc. gret, greet: O. Sax. grót: O. Frs. grát: O. H. Ger. gróz: Ger. gross.] great