Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - hálig-dóm
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- hálig-dóm
- Add: I. holiness, sanctity. (1) of human beings. Cf. hálig; A. III, V :-- Háligdóm is fullneáh ásprungen and sóðfæstnes swýðe gelytlod defecit sanctum, diminutae sunt veritates, Ps. Th. II, l. Háligdómes sanctimonie (Christus, zelotypus sanctimoniae informator, Ald. 6, 35), Wrt. Voc. ii. 75, 58. Hé for his háligdómes (sanctitatis) mycelnesse wearð manigra mynstra fæder, Gr. D. 26, 13: 246, 22. (2) of the Deity. Cf. A. II :-- Bespreng mé mid þínum háligdóme, swá swá mid ýsopon, þæt ic beó geclǽnsod, Ps. Th. 50, 8. II. a holy thing, something held sacred. (1) from its connexion with the Deity :-- Beforan ðǽre earce ðe se háligdóm (the two tables of stone) on wæs ðæs temples coram testamenti arca, Past. 103, 5. (2) from its connexion with Christ or a saint, a relic or collection of relics. (a) a single relic: -- Hér swutelað be þám hálgum reliquium þe Æþelstán geaf in tó sancta Marian mynstre on Exancestre . . . Nú wille wé eów segcan . . . hwæt ánra gehwilc þéra háligdóma beó. Ǽrost of þám sylfan deórwyrðan treówe þǽre hálgan róde . . . , C. D. B. ii. 389, 3-38. (b) a collection of relics :-- Se ilca kyning Ǽþelstán sende ofer sǽ getríwe men and gesceádwíse and hig férdon swá wíðe landes swá hig faran mihton and begeáton þá deórwurðestan mádmas þe ǽfre ofer eorðan begitene mihton beón, ꝥ wæs háligdóm se mǽsta of gehwilcum stówum wýdan and sýdan gegaderod . . . Hé . . . þone þryddan dǽl þæs foresǽdan háligdómes þyder inn (into St. Peter's Minster at Exeter) lét dón . . . eallum þám tó hylpe þe þá hálgan stówwe þe se haligdóm on is mid geleáfan gesécað. Nú wille wé eów segcan . . . hwæt se háligdóm is . . . Ǽrost . . . , C. D. B. ii. 389, 19-39. Hæbbe hé Godes unmiltse and æalles ðæs háligdómes (cf. ic eów hálsige fer ealle ðá hálgan reliquias ðe gind ealne middangeard sindon, Rtl. 114, 18) ðe ic (Æthelstan) on Angelcyn begeat, 315, 22. Hire scrín mid hiræ háligdóme, C. D. iii. 360, 8. Sende Benedictus twǽgen his muneca tó Maure mid lácum, ꝥ is mid háligdóme of þæs Hǽlendes róde and of Marian reáfe and of Stephanes líchaman and of Martines reliquium, Hml. S. 6, 72. Sum wudewe wolde efsian ǽlce geáre þone sanct (St. Edmund) and his næglas ceorfan and on scrýne healdan tó háligdóme on weófode, 32, 194. Gá man mid háligdóme út and mid háligwætere, Wlfst. 173, 13. Út ealle mid hálidóme, 181, 3. Gif hwá mǽne áð on háligdóme (super sancta) swerige, Ll. Th. i. 398, 4. III. a holy place, place specially appointed for worship :-- Þá burh Hierusalem, þǽr bið heora háligdóm, Hml. A. 106, 136. IV. holy doctrines :-- Ðonne hé wilnað ðæt hé háligdóm lǽre cum sancta studet dicere, Past. 383, 7. halig-dom