Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - hálsung
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
heálsung, e;
- hálsung
- f. Supplication, beseeching, entreaty, adjuration, exorcising, exorcism, augury, greeting[?] :-- Micel is seó hálsung and mǽre is seó hálgung ðe deófla áfyrsaþ great is the exorcising and greater is the hallowing that drives away devils, L. C. E ; Th. i. 360, 28. Hálsung exorcismus, Mone Gl. 414. Mid wépendre hálsunga hine bǽdon with weeping supplication prayed him, Blickl. Homl. 87, 8. Hé breác ealdre heálsunge vetere usus augurio, Bd. 1, 25; S. 486, 40. On hálsunge in auspicium, 2, 9; S. 510, 13. Mid eárum onfóh míne hálsunge auribus percipe obsecrationem meam, Ps. Th. 142, 1. Hálsunga dóþ obsecrationes faciunt, Lk. Skt. 5, 33. Se ðe hálsunga behealdaþ quicunque exorcismos observat, L. Ecg. C. 29, note; Th. ii. 154, 29. Hie [the rich] hæfdon oforgedrync and dyslíce and unrǽdlíce hálsunga they had excessive drinking and foolish and thoughtless greetings[?], Blickl. Homl. 99, 21. On hálsungum in obsecrationibus, Lk. Skt. 2, 37. On hálsungum precibus, L. Ecg. C. 2; Th. ii. 136, 19. [A. R. halsung supplication: O. H. Ger. heilisunga omen, auspicium: cf.[?] Icel. heilsan greeting.] halsung