Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - hálwende
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- hálwende
- Add: , hálwynde. A. adjective. I. conducive to physical health :-- Hálwende cleoþan medicinale, i. salutiferum cataplasma, An. Ox. 1972. Þone hálwendan cleoþan malagma, 3051. I a. figurative :-- Ðætte hié ðone hálwendan (-wyndan, v. l.) drenc ðæs æðelan wínes ne gehwyrfen him selfum tó áttre, Past. 365, 8. Hálwe[n]dne lǽcedóm saluberrimum malagma, An. Ox. 374. II. conducive to well-being :-- Scildend þára hálwendra (þǽre hǽlo, Ps. Th.) Crístes his pretector UNCERTAIN salutarium xpi UNCERTAIN sui, Ps. Vos. Srt. 27, 8. Hálwende prosperos (successus), An. Ox. 4550. III. conducive to moral or spiritual health or well-being :-- Hálwende cynnincg saluatrix natiuitas, An. Ox. 1538. Hé wolde ðǽm fortrúwodum monnum andrysno hálwendes eges (saluberrimi timoris) on gebrengean, Past. 385, 16. Mid ðý hálwyndan wætre aqua salutis, 261, 8. On hálwyndre hreówsunga (salubris tristitia), 425, 17. On hálwende láre in doctrina sana, 91, 15. Ðá hálwendan forhæfdnesse difficultatem salutis, 401, 31. Þǽne hálwendne saluberrimum, i. salutare l congruum ( Christi adventum), An. Ox. 1773. Hé ús sealde hálwendne geþóht, Bl. H. 11. 35. Manig þing þe him sylfum swíðe hálweude ERROR (salubria) wǽron tó witanne, Bd. 3, 19; Sch. 280, 10. B. in weak declension used as substantive. (1) personal. Take here hálwenda in Dict., and add: -- God, se hálwynda mín Deus, salutaris meus, Ps. Srt. 26, 9: 61, 3. Úre hálwenda, Ps. L. 84, 5. Hálwynde úr, Ps. Srt. 78, 9. Se hálwynde úr, 67, 20. In Gode ðǽm hálwyndan mínum, 61, 8 : 94, 1 : ii. p. 193, 13. (2) of a thing :-- Þíne sóðfæstnesse and hálwendan þínre (þínne?, þine?) veritatem tuam et salutare tuum, R. Ben. I. 12, 13.