
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - heáfod-mann

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add: I. a head-man, a person of high position or rank: -- Híredmanna gehwilc sille pænig tó ælmessan . . . and heáfodmen UNCERTAIN teódian, Wlfst. 181, 17. Hé sende tó Scotlande, and bæd ðá heófodmenn (ealdormenn maiores natu, Bd. 3, 3; Sch. 199, 6), Hml. S. 26, 49. II. a person high in office :-- Se heáfodman þæs gehergodan folces hine (Ezechiel) ácwealde, Ælfc. T. Grn. 9, 41. Æt nýxtan næs nán heáfodman ꝥ fyrde gaderian wolde, Chr. 1010; P. 140, 30. Ozias heora heáfodmann (princeps; governor of the city), Hml. A. 107, 156. Hí hine lǽddon tó heora heáfodmannum (duxerunt ad Caiapham principem sacerdotum, ubi scribae et seniores convenerant, Mt. 26, 57), 75, 47, 70. II a. where the office is military :-- On þám flotan wǽron þá fyrmestan heáfodmen Hinguar and Hubba, Hml. S. 32, 29. Þára heáuodmanna naman wǽran Ingware and Ubba, Chr. 870; P. 71, n. 6. Mann sceolde forðian út scipu, and setton Raulf eorl and Oddan eorl tó heáfodmannum þǽrtó, 1052 ; P. 177, 10. Hé gesette þá heáfodmenn tó gehealdenne ꝥ folc (captains of the people, i. Macc. 5, 18), Hml. S. 25, 403. ¶ heáfdes-mann. Cf. Icel. höfuðs-maðr :-- Cóman twá hund scypa, þǽron wǽron heáfdesmenn Cnut and Hácon, Chr. 1076; P. 211, 37. II a α the head, captain of a band :-- ' Alǽdað mé tó . . . eówerne ealdor.' Hig (the robbers) clipodon þone cniht him tó þe hira heáfodman wæs, Ælfc. T. Grn. 18, 19. heafod-mann