Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - healf
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- healf
- adj. Add: A. as adj. I. (1) immediately preceding a substantive. (a) denoting the thing which is halved :-- Án healf tún . . . healfne tún, C. D. ii. 66, 29-30. Healf wer ætfealð, Ll. Th. i. 354, 21. Þolige hé healfe weres, 398, 5: 254, 15. Be healfan were gyldan, Ll. Th. i. 354, 19: 408, 20. Tó healfre híde, 188, 1. Forgielde þone wífman fullan gielde and ꝥ bearn healfan gelde, 68, 2, Be healfum wurðe, 208, 24. Gebycgan mid halfe weorðe, C. D. ii. 120, 28. Healfne bannuc buccellam semiplenam, An. Ox. 2402. Healfne leód, Ll. Th. i. 8, 7: 22, 4, 6. Twelf tída and lytle máre þonne áne healfe tide, Lch. iii. 258, 20: Angl. viii. 298, 17. Healfe híde landes, C. D. ihalf: -- Hió hire folc on tú tóðǽlde . . . Hió mid þǽm healfan dǽle beforan þǽm cyninge farende wæs . . . and se healfa dǽl wæs Círuse æfter fylgende, Ors. 2, 4; S. 76, 25-30. Geteald tó healfan dǽle middaneardes, Hml. Th. i. 68, 35. Hé sealde healfne dǽl þám þearfan, and þone healfan dǽl hé dyde on his hricg, Hml. S. 31, 70 ; Ll. Th. i. 228, 20. (2) following a substantive :-- Hec sunt prata . . . stocméd healf, C. D. ii. 65, 26. Ðonne seó eahteoðe tíd bið healf ágán mediante octava hora, R. Ben. 73, 15. Þyringas and Begware healfe, Ors. 1, 1; S. 16, 11. (2 a) following a pronoun :-- Gif hió (the hand) healf onweg fleóge, Ll. Th. i. 98, 9. Sié hit healf forgifen, 64, 22. Þám ágende hine man healfne ágelde, 42, 22. Gesette hé .cxx. scitt UNCERTAIN . Dǽle hé ꝥ healf (half of it) in þá scíre þe hé ǽr folgode, healf in þá þe hé on cymð, 86, 6. Asmeáge hwæt his biglifen sý, and dǽle ꝥ healf on ælmyssan (dimidium in eleemosynas distribuat), ii. 134, 31. Mid þǽm miclan wðlbryne monncwealmes . . . hié healfe belifene wurdon, Ors. 2, 9; S. 86, 25. Man ne mihte macian hí healfe úp, Hml. S. 21, 434. (3) where the adj. (a) precedes a substantive with demonstrative or defining words :-- Nú ys healfe (healf? or can healfe be taken as adverb qualifying fornumen ?) hire líchama mid hreófnisse fornumen ecce jam medium carnis ejus devoratum est lepra, Num. 12, 12. Ic gean healfes ðæs landes, C. D. iv. 300, 6, 28. Be healfre þǽre bóte, Ll. Th. i. 70, 1. Genim healfe þá sealfe, Lch. ii. 78, 16. Hé nam healf ðæt blód (dimidiam partem sanguinis). Ex. 24, 6. Hé behét þám apostole healf his ríce, Hml. Th. ii. 476, 21. Hé áge healf ꝥ wíte, Ll. Th. i. 40, 2. (b) follows the substantive :-- Þá ꝥ weorc þǽre cyricean húhugu healf (or adv. ?) wæs geworht cum opus ad medium ferme esset perductum, Bd. 3, 8; Sch. 225, 10. Is ꝥ land æt Snócescumbe healf þæs cinges, healf uncer Brentinges, C. D. ii. 250, 23. On þám fíftan dǽle healfum, Bt. 18, 1; F. 62, 23, Ealne þysne middangeard . . . healfne, Ors. 1, 1; S. 8, 9. Ðet land healf and healfne tún, C. D. ii. 66, 30. (4) preceding a relative clause :-- Agustus ádráf of Rómebyrig healfe þe þǽrbinnan wǽron, Ors. 6, 1 ; S. 254, 16. II. used with ordinal numerals where a half unit is to be expressed. (1) where the cardinal number for the units isgiven :-- Ðá hé on þǽre mǽgþe twá gér and þridde healf (twa geár and ðrydde healf geár, v. l.) þá cyricean rehte cum in illa provincia duobus annis ac dimidio ecclesiam rexisset, Bd. 4, 3 ; Sch. 351, 13. (2) generally the cardinal is not given :-- Duas possessiunculas et tertiam dimediam, id est in nostra loquella ðridda half haga, C. D. i. 243, 13. Underwed ꝥ sý þæs orfes oþer healf weorð, Ll. Th. i. 352, 9. Ðæt wǽre óðer healf hund M ofslagen þára féðena peditum centum quadraginta millia trecenti et triginta, Ors. 3, 10; S. 138. 16. Þæs gehorsedan heres fífte healf M equitum quatuor millia ducenti, 3, 9; S. 124, 12. Cuóm feórðe healf hund scipa, Chr. 851; P. 64, 17. Sé þe hæbbe þreó hída tǽcne óðres healfes [hýdes gesettes], Ll. Th. i. 144, 11. On óðerre healfre míle fæce unius ferme miliarii et dimidii spatio, Bd. 5, 2 ; Sch. 556, 5. Tó ðriddan healfan geáre, Hml. S. 6, 300. Óþerne healfne pening gewege, Lch. ii. 288, 8. Óðre healfe elne, Ll. Th. i. 212, 2. Hé heóld þridde healf geár bísdóm, Chr. 931; P. 106, 2 : 946; P. 112, 2. : Hiera mon áhéng fífte healf hund quadringenti et quinquaginta servi in crucem acti. Ors. 5, 3; S. 222, 30. III. as a measure of degree :-- Se áð sceal bión healf be húslgengum, Ll. Th. i. 112, 4. IV. where no substantive precedes or follows the adj. (1) where a substantive may be supplied from the context :-- Gif Wylisc mon hæbbe híde londes. . . gif hé hæbbe healfes (cf. 144, 11. v. II. 2 supra) (healfe, v. l.), Ll. Th. i. 122, 10. Þæt hié him óðer flet gerýmdon, healle and heáhsetl, þæt hié healfre geweald ágan móston, B. 1087. Hé wolde hýðan eal heofona ríce and him ðǽr on healfum [ríxian]. Sal. 454. (2) where a substantive may be inferred from the 'context. Cf. I. l b :-- Saluie, rude be healfan (dǽle) þǽre saluian, Lch. ii. 292, 17. Tódǽle man þá eahta dǽlas on twá, and fó se landhláford tó healfum, tó healfum se bisceop, Ll. Th. i. 264, 4: 342, 19: 228, 18. Tó healfan, 268, 20: 274, 31. Gielde hé hine þriddan dǽle. Gif mon spere selle, healfne. Gif hé horses onlǽne, ealne hé hine gylde, 120, 14. Gielden þá mǽgas þæs weres þriddan dǽl . . . Gif hé mǽgas náge, gieldan þá gegildan healfne (dǽl weres? or wer?), for healfne hé fleó, 78, 24. Gíelde mon healfne cyninge, healfne þám gegildan, 80, 3. Swylce ic tódǽle ǽnne penig on twá, þonne hæbbe ic healfne, and mín cleric healfne, and mín dǽl byð semis, and his semis, Angl. viii. 335, 28. V. adverbial use of instrumental. Cf. micle :-- Þynceð þegna gehwelcum huniges bíbreád healfe þý swétre, Met. 12, 9. B. substantive, a half: -- Healf medium (hanc vestem findí placuit . . . servatur medium signi index), An. Ox. 32, 12. Gif mon hæbbe híde londes . . . Gif hé hæbbe healfes (healfe, v. l.; but see IV. 1), Ll. Th. i. 122, 10. Þǽ ásweóll him se líchama ofer healf fram þám lendenum oþ þá fét tumore dimidia pars corporis ipsius a lumbis tenus planta turgescens, Guth. Gr. 153, 12. Þæt hig bringan melwes þone teóðan dǽl þæs gemetes þe man nemð ephi, healf ǽr undern, healfe ofer undern (medium ejus mane, et medium ejus vespere), Lev. 6, 20. Gif hé hæbbe ealle on fóðre tó ágifanne, ágife ealle: gif hé næbbe, ágife healf on fódre, healfe (healf, v. l.) on óðrum ceápe (dimidium in annona, dimidium in alio captali), Ll. Lbmn. 116, 14. Ðáh sé á half ríces mínes licet demedium regni mei, Mk. L. 6, 23. Half (hlaf, R.) gódra mínra ic sello ðorfendum demedium bonorum meorum do pauperibus, Lk. L. 19, 8. Gif mon elþeódigne ofsleá se cyning áh twǽdne dǽl weres, þriddan dǽl sunu oþþe mǽgas. Gif hé mǽgleás sié, healf kyningc, healf se gesíð, Ll. Th. i. 116, 16. Geselle .cxx. scill UNCERTAIN , healf (dimidium) cyninge, healf biscepe, 66, 17 : 296, 8 : 294, 8, 9. Half, 258, 12, 17. Gelde healf, 20, 3. healf